On Aug 24, 2006, at 7:01 AM, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:

I have been stumped on this problem for a few days now, I hope somebody
here has a clue... I'm running Hadoop 0.5.0.

My problem is that the map tasks run for a while seemingly without
problems, and then start spitting out a lot of messages like this:

Are the map tasks marked as finished?

The messages that you showed are from reduces that are waiting to get inputs from some (in your case 13) maps that the job tracker doesn't think have finished. If you look at the web ui what does numbers does it show for the map tasks? In particular, how many maps are running, pending, and done. In the past, we've seen cases that looked like 13 pending, 0 running, n-13 done. Those particular bugs were fixed, but they involved a set of map tasks that got lost between the job tracker and the task tracker.

-- Owen

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