Kool, i'm able to turn it off now.

Many thanks to you, Konstantin

Konstantin Shvachko wrote:
You can always manually leave safe mode.
bin/hadoop dfsadmin -safemode leave
And then set replication to whatever or even remove unwanted files that have bad blocks.

Nguyen Kien Trung wrote:

Thanks Konstantin. I understand now

" At startup the name node accepts data node reports collecting information about block locations. In order to leave safe mode it needs to collect a configurable percentage called threshold of blocks, which satisfy the minimal replication condition. The minimal replication condition is that each block must have at least dfs.replication.min replicas. When the threshold is reached the name node extends safe mode for a configurable amount of time to let the remaining data nodes to check in before it will start replicating missing blocks. Then the name node leaves safe mode."

I realized that lots of blocks are missing their replicas. And that turns into the situation of SAFE mode. Does it make sense to allow the command ./hadoop dfs -setrep to work even the name node is in safe mode? Otherwise the name node is idle forever

Konstantin Shvachko wrote:

You can run "hadoop fsck / " to see how many blocks are missing on your cluster.
See definition of safe mode here.


erolagnab wrote:

Hi all,

Just wondering what is the reason causing NameNode is on SafeMode forever?
I've left my machine running for 2 days and it's still on Safe Mode.


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