Sounds like a great idea.
Could we use the Hadoop Wiki for this or do we need to setup a separate Wiki (which I would not prefer)?
Who could help with this?

On Sep 26, 2007, at 9:14 PM, C G wrote:

Have a great get-together. Us non-valley types will be envious and missing out. It would be great if somebody could post a follow- up with relevant technical notes that might be helpful to the greater community.

Are there any other east coast developers interested in a Boston- area get together?

  C G

Erich Nachbar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for all the feedback regarding a Hadoop Get-Together!
I create an Upcoming event for it:

I will bring tags & pens, but let me know if there is anything else
you think we should have.
Hope to see everyone at Gordon Biersch next Thursday!

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