Hmm, our long-running Hadoop tasks are CPU-intensive and are also the only 
workload we really care about, so I wasn't really think about that use case.

How about running multiple Hadoop cluster instances overlapped on the same set 
of boxes? You could then schedule your long-running low-CPU tasks on one of the 
clusters and the short CPU-intensive ones on the others.


On 12/25/07 2:38 AM, "Joydeep Sen Sarma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

in many cases - long running tasks are of low cpu util. i have trouble 
imagining how these can mix well with cpu intensive short/batch tasks. afaik - 
hadoop's job scheduling is not resource usage aware. long background tasks 
would consume per-machine task slots that would block out other tasks from 
using available cpu bandwidth.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Walters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sat 12/22/2007 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: Appropriate use of Hadoop for non-map/reduce tasks?

I should further say that god functions only on a per machine basis. We have 
then built a number of scripts that do auto-configuration of our various 
services, using configs pulled from LDAP and code pulled from our package repo. 
We use this to configure our various server processes and also to configure 
Hadoop clusters (HDFS and Map/Reduce). But god is a key part of the system, 
since it helps us provide a uniform interface for starting and stopping all our 


On 12/22/07 1:30 PM, "Chad Walters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am not really sure that Hadoop is right for what Jeff is describing.

I think there may be two separate problems:

 1.  Batch tasks that may take a long time but are expected to have a finite 
 2.  Long-lived server processes that have an indefinite lifetime

For #1, we pretty much use Hadoop, although we have built a fairly extensive 
framework inside of these long map tasks to track progress and handle various 
failure conditions that can arise. If people are really interested, I'll poke 
around and see if any of it is general enough to warrant contributing back, but 
I think a lot of it is probably fairly specific to the kinds of failure cases 
we expect from the components involved in the long map task.

For #2, we are using something called "god" ( One of 
our developers ended up starting this project because he didn't like monit. We 
liked the way it was going and now we now we use it throughout our datacenter 
to start, stop, and health check our server processes. It supports both polling 
and event-driven actions and is pretty extensible. Check it out to see if it 
might satisfy some of your needs.


On 12/22/07 11:40 AM, "Jeff Hammerbacher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

from my understanding, the map/reduce codebase grew out of the codebase for
"the borg", google's system for managing long-running processes.  we could
definitely use this sort of functionality, and the jobtracker/tasktracker
paradigm goes part of the way there.  sqs really helps when you want to run
a set of recurring, dependent processes (a problem our group definitely
needs to solve), but it doesn't really seem to address the issue of managing
those processes when they're long-lived.

for instance, when we deploy our search servers, we have a script that
basically says "daemonize this process on this many boxes, and if it enters
a condition that doesn't look healthy, take this action (like restart, or
rebuild the index, etc.)".  given how hard-coded the task-type is into
map/reduce (er, "map" and "reduce"), it's hard to specify new types of error
conditions and running conditions for your processes.  also, the jobtracker
doesn't have any high availability guarantees, so you could run into a
situation where your processes are fine but the jobtracker goes down.
 zookeeper could help here.  it'd be sweet if hadoop could handle this
long-lived process management scenario.

kirk, i'd be interested in hearing more about your processes and the
requirements you have of your process manager.  we're exploring other
solutions to this problem and i'd be happy to connect you with the folks
here who are thinking about the issue.


On Dec 21, 2007 12:42 PM, John Heidemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 12:24:57 PST, John Heidemann wrote:
> >On Thu, 20 Dec 2007 18:46:58 PST, Kirk True wrote:
> >>Hi all,
> >>
> >>A lot of the ideas I have for incorporating Hadoop into internal
> projects revolves around distributing long-running tasks over multiple
> machines. I've been able to get a quick prototype up in Hadoop for one of
> those projects and it seems to work pretty well.
> >>...
> >He's not saying "is Hadoop optimal" for things that aren't really
> >map/reduce, but "is it reasonable" for those things?
> >(Kirk, is that right?)
> >...
> Sorry to double reply, but I left out my comment to (my view of) Kirk's
> question.
> In addition to what Ted said, I'm not sure how well Hadoop works with
> long-running jobs, particuarlly how well that interacts with its fault
> tolerance code.
> And more generally, if you're not doing map/reduce than you'd probably
> have to build your own fault tolerance methods.
>   -John Heidemann

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