Taeho Kang wrote:
Dear Hadoop Users and Developers,

It looks like getTracker() method in JobTracker class (to get a hold of a
running JobTracker instance) no longer exists for 0.15.1 release.
The reason I want an instance of JobTracker is to get some information about
the current and old job status.

Ugh! This looks like a non-backward compatible change introduced by HADOOP-1819.


I've opened http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-2516 for this.

Is this a 0.15.2 *blocker*?

Is there any other way that I can get an instance of JobTracker?
Also, what was the reason of removing getTracker() method? (I am just being
curious here...)

For now, you could use the return value of JobTracker.startTracker ( http://lucene.apache.org/hadoop/docs/r0.15.1/api/org/apache/hadoop/mapred/JobTracker.html#startTracker(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf) )...

Sorry for the troubles. We need to make sure this doens't happen...


Thank you for all your help in advance,


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