On Sun, Jun 22, 2003 at 06:31:49PM +0200, Eli Billauer wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've started a small adventure of installing Linux on an old laptop. It 
> appears as if some chipset is buggy (82437MX), as it's listed in the 
> pci/quirks.c file with a fix.
> Reading that quirks file, I see that a kernel message should have been 
> generated, but it wasn't. So I wanted to see if that part (module or 
> compiled-in) was in the game at all.
> I looked for some non-static function in quirks.c, and found 
> pci_fixup_devices. So off I went to the laptop which runs this kernel 
> and did:
> grep fixup /proc/ksyms
> and got nothing.
> Is there any chance that the function was executed, and the freed, or is 
> this a 100% indication that I should try to change my kernel 
> configuration, and recompile?
> I'm running a 2.4.21 kernel, BTW.

When you speak about such problems, the following would have been handy:


SuSE have something similar in their default kernels (/proc/config.gz ).
This means that you don't have to guess what was the config your kernel
was compiled with: you [z]cat /proc/config[.gz] .

Tzafrir Cohen                       +---------------------------+
http://www.technion.ac.il/~tzafrir/ |vim is a mutt's best friend|
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