> Back at the lecture I was surprised to hear that someone there
> (who was otherwise very knowledgable in TeX and LaTeX) did not
> hear about DocBook.

Here's a link to more information on DocBook:


And a quote from the page:

   DocBook is general purpose XML and SGML document type
   particularly well suited to books and papers about computer
   hardware and software (though it is by no means limited to
   these applications).

>From this we can already infer that DocBook is *not* a typesetter.

- Typesetters are computer programs.
  (well, some are; others are real human beings)
- DocBook is not a computer program. (nor is it a human being)
  It is a *document type*: a precise characterization of various
  tags that define the structure of a document.

A document type could be defined in such a way as to allow the
designer/author of a particular document to fully specify all
the details relevant to typesetting. But a typesetting program
would still be needed in order to transform this definition
into a printed page/book.

I'm not familiar with the DocBook document type, but my guess would
be that it would not include specifications for all the fine
controls that one would expect from a typesetting format. Here's an
example of such a control: something that allows you to adjust the
character spacing within a paragraph in order to make it one line
shorter or taller than its natural height (this is controlled in
TeX by the \looseness parameter). This can be useful in the final
editing of a typeset book, in order to overcome a bad page break.
However, it makes little sense when talking about formats like HTML
(where exactly are the page breaks?) or man pages (how exactly are
we going to adjust character spacing on a fixed-width terminal?).

Now it is possible to define an SGML tag <para looseness=-1>,
where the attribute would be taken into account for typesetting
and ignored when producing man pages. I don't know, perhaps the
DocBook DTD has such an attribute. But I doubt it, because this
sort of information is particular not only to the output media,
but to a certain print run (after the next revision the page
breaks may be different). This information simply doesn't belong
in a document that is supposed to undergo cycles of revision and
output into various media. It makes much more sense (to me) to
exercise this kind of fine control *after* the document has been
exported for typesetting.

Bottom line: the requirements of a generic mark-up scheme for
computer books designed to be to be exported to various media are
to a certain extent different from the requirements of a mark-up
scheme needed for high-quality typesetting. So it is likely that a
system tailored for one use will not be the best for the other.

> DocBook is, IMO, very, very cool. Some of its drawbacks are:
> 3. Two few visual markups (only one <emphasis> tag).

Can't resist giving my opinion:

<emphasis> is not a visual markup: it is a logical one. In practice
it is often (ab)used for its visual effects, but that's a different

The decision to eschew visual markup is a very good one, IMHO.
Speaking about my own LaTeX practices, I always do my best to
bury my visual markup in macros, styles and classes. One big
advantage for me is that it forces me to think more each time I
want to apply a visual effect: if I can't find a reason for this
effect---either an existing logical markup or a new one that I
believe is justified---then the visual effect I had in mind is
probably inappropriate. Overall it leads to a better writing style.

Remember, the goal of the DocBook project is to create good books,
not to allow fancy formatting. Good work.


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