On Thu, Dec 25, 2003 at 06:48:05PM +0200, Eli Billauer wrote:
> Muli Ben-Yehuda wrote:
> >Usually, you'll see a processes in an uninterruptible sleep
> >represented as 'D' in ps. Since you say they are 'R', please do
> >magic-sysrq-t to see where in the kernel they are.
> >
> For those of you who have no idea what Muli is talking about (you're in 
> good company), have a look at /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sysrq.txt . 
> Short explanation: You press some magic button combination, and info 
> goes out the console and log file. You press the wrong combination, your 
> system reboots uncleanly right away.

You make that sound like it's a bad thing :-) 

> As for what Muli asked about (I think):

You think rightly. 

> Dec 25 18:32:47 localhost kernel: artsd         R current   4452 
> 11005      1               11015 (NOTLB)
> Dec 25 18:32:47 localhost kernel: Call Trace:    [<c0109ea8>] 
> [<d0ee7f7f>] [<d0eea0d1>] [<c0135d2d>] [<c0142f62>]
> Dec 25 18:32:47 localhost kernel:   [<c0134cdd>] [<c0134d33>] [<c0108923>]
> What does it tell us, doc?

Not much. It's a backtrace, but it needs to be resolved. Please use
either 'addr2line' or 'ksymoops' to translate the address (c0109ea8)
to a function in the kernel. You'll need the vmlinux for your kernel
to do that. 

> And now let's look at /proc/11005/status. As can be seen below in 
> "SigPnd", signal number 9 is pending (as are 14 and 15 from my previous 
> attempts). Signal 9 pending???

See my explnation in the previous email. artsd is doing something in
the kernel and not handling signals. In kernel space, signals don't
get "magically handled" - they are handled in specific points in time,
either explicitly (if (sigpending()) return;) or implicily (entry and
exit from system calls, IIRC). 

> Comments, anyone?

Looks like a kernel buglet. 2.4.21 being fairly old, you might want to
try a more recent kernel. If you want to debug it further, addr2line
as mentioned above. 

Muli Ben-Yehuda
http://www.mulix.org | http://mulix.livejournal.com/

"the nucleus of linux oscillates my world" - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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