On Sat, Jan 24, 2004 at 09:33:14AM +0200, Orna Agmon wrote:

>> Where can I find information about the error messages in /var/log/messages
> > ?

Each error usually comes from a specific program. In your case, it's
telnetd. Therefore, it's best to look for information on the error
message in the documentation (or sources...) of the program that
generated it. google is always helpful, too. 

> > I get all kind of messages and I want to know what they mean.
> > For example:
> > Jan 19 23:38:58 nahum-x telnetd[24258]: ttloop: peer died: EOF
> > Jan 19 23:38:58 nahum-x telnetd[24375]: ttloop: read: Connection reset by
> > peer

Nothing to worry about. telnetd is telling you that the other side of
the connection is disconnecting without properly terminating the
telnet connection first. It's abnormal, but it's bound to happen

> > And this one that is much more to worry about:
> > Jan 21 02:42:57 nahum-x kernel: eth0: Too much work in interrupt, status
> > 8401.

That says that your NIC is not too good. Again, it's not something to
worry about - the kernel should handle this gracefully. If you want to
solve it, you need either a better NIC (which one do you have?), or
possibly a better driver for it. 

> > The reason I'm asking is because from time to time my telnetd is like not
> > responding ...
> > Then I have to run "service xinetd restart" to restart the
> > telnetd.

That is suboptimal. Is there a correlation between when the telnetd
does not repond, and the above messages? do other network services
work? can you ping the machine? 

> > Any information will be appreciate.

Just one more bit - telnet is unsafe, since it sends your password and
data in the clear (unencrypted). Always use 'ssh' if you can. 

Muli Ben-Yehuda
http://www.mulix.org | http://mulix.livejournal.com/

"the nucleus of linux oscillates my world" - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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