Thanks a lot for all the comments, I have applied almost all of them. I
will only reply to the interesting points:
> 3. in 'Every time you run it', what does the word 'runcom' mean? never
>    heard of this strange word.

>From the gnu FAQ, in the references.
> 13. in 'which shell am i using now', did you come up with such a
>     complicated (and error-prone) command on purpose?

from the FAQ. I started surfing around the FAQ, and found a nice place
where people submit questions, many people answer them, and
 thus the gnu FAQs are formed. It was the best answer there.

> 19. in 'error redirection', the '>&' redirects both standard output AND
>     standard error, while the '2>' in bash redirects ONLY the standard
>     error. better mention that, or change the bash example to '2>&1 >'
>     to be equivalent to the tcsh example.

How do you redirect only Error in tcsh?

>     commas, for some reason i canot perceive.

because ~ is a special character, and needs quoting in Latex.

> 24. in 'everyone has it and i don't!?', first bullet, replace 'fi nd' with
>     'find' (an extra space in the middle of the word). actually this seems
>     to have occured all over this slide.

due to \begin{tiny}. It makes fixed font, I think.

And I agree it is too long, the extra slides should be only extra.

Thanks a lot,

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