On Wed, Aug 04, 2004 at 11:27:56AM +0300, Eyal Rozenberg wrote:
> I've been trying to duplicate the Windows keyboard behavior with xkb, 
> with only partial success. Having read this:
> http://iglu.org.il/faq/cache/86.html
> I've managed to configure group toggling using Alt+Shift, to make apps 
> ignorant of whether or not I'm in the 'il' or 'us' group for the 
> purposes of Ctrl+something interpretation, to have the numpad keys 
> function as arrows when NumLock isn't pressed (even when Shift is 
> pressed), and even to get Nikkud sort of working (using RCtrl as a third 
> level switcher and the si1452 variant).
> What I would like to be able to do, and hope someone else has done and 
> can help me with the configuration of, is the following:
> (high priority) change the behavior of CapsLock so that when I'm in the 
> 'il' group, with CapsLock 'on' state, and Shift and RCtrl unpressed, 
> typing letters will emit capitalized latin letters (e.g. by switching to 
> us group, level two).

have you tried the one of the options caps:shift_nocancel and
caps:internal_nocancel ?

For some reason it does not work for me, though.

> (low priority)  make an additional change in the behavior of Shift and 
> CapsLock, so that if CapsLock is 'on', Shift is a switch for third 
> level, and if CapsLock is not 'on', Shift is a group toggler.

Have a look at /etc/X11/xkb/types/caps . Maybe try changing the line:

   map[Shift+Lock] = Level2;


   map[Shift+Lock] = Level3;

> Both of these are definitely tricky and may not even be possible without 
> breaking some xkb principles; if this is the case, do say so. Any other 
> thoughts/suggestions on this matter are welcome.
> Eyal
> PS - right now I'm using
> setxbkmap -option 
> grp:switch,grp:shift_toggle,srvrkeys:none,numpad:microsoft,lv3:switch 
> us,il -variant ,si1452

I'd add:

-model pc104
(just in case this is not set in your xorg.conf). This should allow you
to use key combinations with the "windows" and "menu" keys. I also
rather use grp:win_switch that grp:switch , as it gives me a switch key
on both sides of the keyboard (just like the shift key).

> or its xorg.conf equivalent.
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