Hi all,

I was chosen to be in charge of coordinating everything that is related to
the installation: choosing the right distribution, choosing the
installation process and preparing a lecture (next email).

I'm willing to get your help with that.

I'm looking for the "ultimate" distribution for Haifux instaparty. My
requirements are (not necessarily in this order):

I) Easy ("user friendly") installation, so an installee who wants to try the
installation at home, will not have many difficulties to do so.

II) Quick: a smooth installation *process*. After picking the necessary
applications (which is a seperate thread), what you mainly have to do is
wait for the next person, or work in pipeline.

III) Updated kernel and environment: Kernel 2.6.8 and above, KDE 3.2.3 and
above, xorg 6.7 and above, gnome 2.6 and above, gcc 3.4.0 and above.
Anything useful here which you might think of - please let me know.

IV) Supports newest hardware (SATA, 1394, USB2 nvidia and ATI cards,

V) Hebrew support (from scratch) - needless to say.

My requirements are, in general, that a user will not have to get into too
many troubles with the distribution that he will get from us (if he
chooses to get it), and the distribution that he will use will match his
computer. Even his newest one.

I am looking for your help, to hear what you think (from experience)

* Mandrake 10.1 (RC1 at the moment. should be equal to the final release)
* Fedora Core 2
* Debian 3 Unstable
* Gentoo 2004.2 (binary installation. No compilation)
* Anything else.... ?

Please focus on the 5 aspects which I've mentioned, and my requirements in
general. Let me know what advantage and disadvantage you find any
distribution which you are familiar with, and in general - your
recommendation about a specific distro. If you have benchmarks - let me
know their results!

By the way, if you have experience with live-CDs (Knoppix, MandrakeMove,
Gentoo LiveCD, Kazit/x, etc) - I will be glad to hear about this as well.

Relevant discussions will be combined to one (big?) argument. No need to
send anything to the lists.

(Please - reply to me privately, only. I prefer to save the flames to
myself, and publish relevant results to the list later).

Many thanks for your cooperation,


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