On Tue, Mar 14, 2006 at 02:53:32PM +0200, Eli Billauer wrote:

> Your opinions are mostly welcome. And if possible, please talk about why 
> *you* don't show up. I believe it's more interesting than general 
> theories about what happens.

Thank you for raising this subject. Here are my reasons for not
showing up any more except on very special occasions:

- about half of the talks aren't interesting enough. Those include
roughly anything which deals with "how to use Linux" as opposed to
"how to hack Linux". Linux is mainstream.

- I no longer feel the great sense of community we used to
have. If you've been reading hamakr-discussions, you know all about

- I'm just too busy working on Linux. Compared to working on it,
talking about it holds very little appeal. I miss the days when we had
Haifux *projects* - although if we had such a project today, I
probably wouldn't have time or energy to work on it.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane,
Muli Ben-Yehuda
http://www.mulix.org | http://mulix.livejournal.com/

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