I would like, on behalf of myself and Maya, to express my
disappointment in the Linux Day we had yesterday. Adir, while you did
take leadership of the project, I feel dissatisfied with the way
things worked out.

The most basic necessities for an installfest were unavailable. Power
bricks were in short supply, and there was no network available. There
was not even a proper screen on which to project a demonstration.
Without these, I feel, there's no point of having the linux day at

A second, very important part, was the choice of distribution. The
majority's vote was for Ubuntu - a distribution that I myself, as well
as other Haifux participants, have been using and thoroughly testing
(for user-friendliness, stability, support, etc.) for a very long time
- two years, in my case. However, the distribution which was chosen
was OpenSuSE (which was recommended only by Adir). Only one
installation was accomplished, despite our best efforts - and this
with a DVD which seems to have been burnt properly (because it
installed properly on Adir's laptop). From chats I had with some of
the arrivers, this is a known issue with SuSE. Furthermore, for people
without DVD drives (and such people did arrive, and we must recall
that most people are inclined to install Linux rather on their older
machines), SuSE has an inordinate 5-6 CDs, which weren't even made
available. Almost all installations which were performed yesterday
ended up being Ubuntu, from makeshift burnt CDs (all installs but one
were flawless, BTW, and that one had a severely damaged hard drive)

However, the most important part which was missing was advertising.
Everyone but the organizers shared this complaint: They found out
about it too late (if they had found out earlier, they would have
brought their machines). This is particularily peculiar, seeing as the
Yes sponsorship was intended to fix exactly this recurring, well-known

I hope to see better solutions for these problems for the next Linux Day.

To necessity... and beyond!

Ohad Lutzky

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