I noticed that HAML had single quotes and was pleased.  I have had to
override some Rails link_to so that the HTML it generated could go
Javascript code.  So I vote to keep single quotes.

On Nov 29, 3:02 pm, Hampton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Choosing to use single-quotes was only because i think they look nicer
> in a document.
> In fact, you might even take it far enough to say its a continuation
> on the statement
> of minimalism that Haml pushes towards (we need the second quote?).
> But, whatever. In the end, it was a tossup. I was unaware that XML requires a
> double quote. And I guess that using single-quote as a *default* (changeable!)
> means that I can't correctly claim that Haml is an XHTML generator. Though,
> I've also never seen an XML parser have a problem with single-quotes.
> I find the whole thing pedantic and a bit wonky. I mean, who really
> gives a fuck? It can be parsed and its widely used. That should be enough.
> I would say that I am pro-standards and pro-convention... but only
> when it matters.
> I get very frustrated and angry when people get obsessed with the specifics
> rather than the spirit of something. In fact, I'll say I think its
> pretty fucking lame.
> Have angered the gods of the Internet because some sweaty dude in a tie at a
> committee meeting chose double-quotes and decided that single-quotes are
> forbidden. That dude can fuck-off.
> If everyone in the community wants the default changed, I will change it.
> However, I think most people care about that kind of detail as much as I 
> do....
> and I rather like that we stand in defiance of what I consider to be a 
> nit-picky
> bit of standard.
> So, let the +1's begin for double-quotes if people feel strongly.
> -hampton.
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