Apologies for shouting in the subject, but I wanted to get across that the 
meeting is a VIRTUAL one this month. 2pm start.

Two reasons for a virtual meet this month. I've no idea what impact recent 
events will have in travel this weekend (maybe nothing much on the Saturday), 
but personal recent events involving A&E and other hospital visits have left me 
both more behind than usual and not in a great position to manage an in person 
meet unfortunately (not, visits for me personally). As a heads up, next month 
may well be virtual as well as I'm booked to bring my boat ashore, so will be 
elsewhere (all be it not far away).


To join virtually head to:


I will enable the lobby as well as the password of 'sat22'.

Keep safe.


Please post to: Hampshire@mailman.lug.org.uk
Web Interface: https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/hampshire
LUG URL: http://www.hantslug.org.uk

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