This month's meet will be at Broad Oak, with the usual IRL start of 1pm, and sandwiches will be available.

I did have a rash thought about managing a talk on Docker / Portainer this month, but ongoing 'challenges' with the NHS have put paid to that. I can still cover it in an unplanned chat if anyone is interested to see what I've been up to, but a formal talk will have to wait. I do have a couple that have been offered so just need to sort out some dates.

On the Docker front, if anyone has any insights on volumes that are store somewhere other than /var/lib/docker/volume/ and aren't network mounted I'd be interested to find out more. As far as I can work out from the documentation that's against the Docker way, unless you use bind mounts rather than proper volumes (which of course are configured as volumes just to confuse you!). Computers are supposed to be logical, unfortunately programmers not so much ;-)

See you there or, well, erm, not I guess - it is purely voluntary, but we still don't bite and we have no plans to.

Oh, final point of note, I will be looking to head off around 5pm ish this month. Things are often thinning out by then so I don't expect it will be an issue, but just mentioning in case it impact transport choices.

(Being lazy again this month with one email to all lists, hopefully the cross post won't upset any of the configurations!).

Keep safe.


 Paul Tansom  |  Aptanet Ltd.  |  |  023 9238 0001
Registered in England | Company No: 4905028 | Registered Office: Ralls House,
Parklands Business Park, Forrest Road, Denmead, Waterlooville, Hants, PO7 6XP

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