L? nh??

V?o 12:08 Ng?y 02 th?ng 2 n?m 2009, Phuong Vo <clarious at gmail.com> ?? vi?t:

> Th?m ch?t n?a, BQP M? c?ng ?? l?m m?t trang web t??ng t? sourceforge
> t?i ??a ch? http://forgemil.com/, c? ?i?u ?? truy c?p th? c?n c? m?t
> s? gi?y t?
> "DOD CAC or ECA Certificate Required"

Ngay ??n M? m? c?ng d?ng t?n mi?n nh? v?y sao? C?a BQP t?i sao kh?ng d?ng
.mil m? l?i l? .com nh?? Hay l? l?i b?t ch??c VN m?nh nh??

Le Quoc Thai
Software Engineer
Dept. of Expert System & Softcomputing
Institute of Information Technology (VAST)
Tel.: (84)-04-37.915.063
Mobile: (84)-095-330-7791
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