My dear friend,

2009/6/9 Huan "KDE Zealot" Truong <huantnh at>

> Changed topic.
> > The policy I used until now was not to favor Windows against GNU/Linux,
> > i.e. it should be equally easy to install in Windows as in GNU/Linux.
> > This is to show people that using GNU/Linux (Ubuntu here) is not as hard
> > as using Windows and ... is far more secure.
> Yes it would be ideal to have Linux "equally easy" compared to
> Windows. But you have o either face the reality, or shoot at your
> foot: Linux is *not* easy, and it cannot be easy and secure at the
> same time. You can't say you downloaded a program, double click on the
> icon and let it install crap on your computer as root
> (~administrator)! I would imagine it is not too hard to have the
> desktop behave as this: detect if a file is a binary file and
> automatically chmod +x to it, and then if it requires root, give it
> root. It will more or less make the install process easier for linux
> program? (BTW We all know that is Windows had been doing since the
> beginning and that is what it makes Windows inherently vulnerable.)
> Now MS fixes it by asking for root in Vista+. You can have either
> easiness, or security, but not both


Things can only be compared if they are comparable. It's nonsense to say "a
100km road is longer a 365 days calendar". In other words, we need to
specify under what criteria things are comparable.

Back to the case of "the easiness of an OS", what criteria shall we use now?

Unless we reach a consensus on it, further discussion would goes to no where
-as two parallel lines will never meet.

If you guys are using one standard to judge Linux or Windows while I assume
another set, then how and when we will reach to a common point? Never!
Because each of you are all correct from your own chosen criteria.

So, it would be easy to discuss about the "easiness" by pointing out some
common standard (ISO, if possible ;p ) or criteria that we all agree they're

Le Quoc Thai
Software Engineer
Dept. of Expert System & Softcomputing
Institute of Information Technology (VAST)
Tel.: (+84)-04-
Mobile: (+84)-095.330.7791 or (+84)-01694.69.69.04
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