Le 13/11/2010 12:06, Patrick Elsen a écrit :
So, you can see the pattern: random IPs trying to log in as root... This might be usual for servers, but still, what do you suggest me to do to prevent people from gaining access? I do have a secure password, and I have been suggested to move the ssh port and stuf, does anyone have any more suggestions?

First of all, you should never allow direct root login using a password, which is far too dangerous, but only allow root login through a RSA/DSA key instead (see "PermitRootLogin" in "man sshd_config").

Secondly, you could even forbit direct root login at all by setting up a normal user with root sudo access and then restricting SSH login to this user only (see "AllowUsers" or "AllowGroups" in "man sshd_config").

Thirdly, changing the port will strongly reduce the logs, because the usual attacks focus on the port 22, but it won't enhance the security of your SSH access! For that matter, I strongly recommend to use the "port knocking" approach, see here (or Google "port knocking iptables") for an example: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/268

Cheers, J.C.

Jean Christophe "プログフ" ANDRÉ   — ✧ —   Responsable technique régional
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