On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 10:02:36AM +0100, Matthias Müller wrote:
> Hello there
> I'm trying to find a suitable solution to load balance Rails applications 
> via Passenger and HAProxy.Currentliy I'm doing a lot of testing using 
> Apache Bench.
> The setting is as simple as follows:
> machine A: HAProxy
> machine B: Apache with mod_rails
> my test: 100 concurrent requests via Apache Bench
> When running 100 concurrent requests against HAProxy, Apache Bench has a 
> lot of non 2XX responses and  I get a lot of BADRQ in my HAProxy log like:
> Feb 19 08:50:25 localhost.localdomain haproxy[1890]: 
> [19/Feb/2009:08:50:10.898] http-proxy http-proxy/member1 
> -1/13816/1/-1/14702 503 13757 - - ---- 99/99/99/9/0 0/32 "<BADREQ>"

There's something odd in the log above. It implies that the request was sent
into the queue waiting for a server to be free, but also that the request was
invalid or perhaps empty. I suspect that AB has timedout slightly before
haproxy while waiting for a server response, but I don't understand why we
have "BADREQ" here, we should not have got a 503 with BADREQ. Could you please
indicate what exact version this is ? This would help explaining why we can
have BADREQ and 503 at the same time.


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