
On Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 05:41:40PM +0100, Alex Forrow wrote:
> Hi,
> We have been using HAProxy very successfully on a busy website for a 
> while now, sending all logs via syslog to a separate server.
> A single frontend is used to serve all public requests, and currently 
> logs everything. We would like to just log requests for dynamic pages, 
> is it possible to have HAProxy selectively log requests, either based on 
> an acl, or ideally, backend?

No, unfortunately it's not possible right now, and since the logs are
configured in the frontend, you cannot even use the backend to make
a difference.

I think that the simplest solution would be to implement something
like "log disable if <acl>" which would work both in the frontend and
in the backend.

I understand your requirement and in my opinion it really makes sense
to log only dynamic pages. I'm adding that on the TODO list.


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