OoO En ce doux début de matinée du mercredi 19 octobre 2011, vers 08:31,
"wsq003" <> disait :

> For now I know some shortages of multi-processe mode haproxy:
> 1, it would cause many context switch (after testing, this is
> acceptable) 
> 2, it would become difficult to get status report for every process 
> (we found some ways to make it acceptable, though it's still painful)

I  don't know  how  you do  it, but  here,  we use  haproxy for  several
independant services (say, A, B and  C). Service A is bound to processus
1, B  to 2 and C  to 3. And  we declare 3 monitoring  backend. Something
like this:

listen serviceA
  bind-process 1
listen serviceB
  bind-process 2
listen serviceC
  bind-process 3

listen monitoring-1
  bind-process 1
  stats enable
  stats uri /stats?haproxy
listen monitoring-2
  bind-process 2
  stats enable
  stats uri /stats?haproxy
listen monitoring-3
  bind-process 3
  stats enable
  stats uri /stats?haproxy

Since services are independant, they  don't need to share anything (like
stick   tables)  and   we  get   stats   in  CSV   format  by   querying
/stats?haproxy;csv on port 8881, 8882 or 8883.
Vincent Bernat ☯

prom_printf("Detected PenguinPages, getting out of here.\n");
        2.0.38 /usr/src/linux/arch/sparc/mm/srmmu.c

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