❦ 23 mai 2014 17:10 +0200, Ghislain <gad...@aqueos.com> :

> /etc/apt/preferences.d/haproxy
> Package: haproxy
> Pin: origin haproxy.debian.net, version 1.5*
> Pin-Priority: 995
> Package: *
> Pin: origin haproxy.debian.net
> Pin-Priority: -10

For me, pinning on both origin and version doesn't work. I suppose you
can do this instead:

Package: haproxy
Pin: origin haproxy.debian.net
Pin-Priority: 995

Package: *
Pin: origin haproxy.debian.net
Pin-Priority: -10

Then, check that it works as expected:

apt-cache policy haproxy
apt-cache policy haproxy-dbg
Each module should do one thing well.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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