Hi all -

Just to chime in, we just got bit by this in production. Our dns
resolver (unbound) does not follow CNAMES -> A records when you send
an ANY query type. This is by design, so I can't just configure it
differently (and ripping out our DNS resolver is not immediately

I therefore vote to stop sending the ANY query type, and instead rely
on A and AAAA queries. I don't have any comments on behavior regarding
NX behavior.

NB: There is also support amongst some bigger internet companies to
fully deprecate this query type:

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 12:49 PM, Lukas Tribus <luky...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> I second this opinion. Removing ANY altogether would be the best case.
>> In reality, I think it should use the OS's resolver libraries which
>> in turn will honor whatever the admin has configured for preference
>> order at the base OS level.
>> As a sysadmin, one should reasonably expect that tweaking the
>> preference knob at the OS level should affect most (and ideally, all)
>> applications they are running rather than having to manually fiddle
>> knobs at the OS and various application levels.
>> If there is some discussion and *good* reasons to ignore the OS
>> defaults, I feel this should likely be an *optional* config option
>> in haproxy.cfg ie "use OS resolver, unless specifically told not to
>> for $reason)
> Its exactly like you are saying.
> I don't think there is any doubt that HAproxy will bypass OS level
> resolvers, since you are statically configuring DNS server IPs in the
> haproxy configuration file.
> When you don't configure any resolvers, HAproxy does use libc's
> gethostbyname() or getaddrinfo(), but both are fundamentally broken.
> Thats why some applications have to implement there own resolvers
> (including nginx).
> First of all the OS resolver doesn't provide the TTL value. So you would
> have to guess or use fixed TTL values. Second, both calls are blocking,
> which is a big no-go for any event-loop based application (for this
> reason, it can only be queried at startup, not while the application
> is running).
> Just configure a hostname without resolver parameters, and haproxy
> will resolve your hostnames at startup via OS (and then maintain those
> IP's).
> Applications either have to implement a resolver on their own (haproxy,
> nginx), or use yet another external library, like getdnsapi [1].
> The point is: there is a reason for this implementation, and you can
> fallback to OS resolvers without any problems (just with their drawbacks).
> Regards,
> Lukas
> [1] https://getdnsapi.net/

- Andrew Hayworth

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