Le 03/02/2017 à 14:36, Kristjan Koppel a écrit :

I seem to have run into the same (or at least similar) problem as
reported by Vladimir Mihailenco a little while ago.

I'm running HAProxy v1.7.2 and my backend server is etcd v2.3.7. The
client application is using HTTP/1.0 and I have compression enabled in
HAProxy. With this configuration everything worked fine with HAProxy
v1.6.10, but after upgrading to v1.7 the response is almost always cut
off at about 4KB (let's say roughly 9 times out of 10, but it seems to
be completely random).

If I switch the client to using HTTP/1.1 or comment out the compression
lines in HAProxy config, then everything is fine again.

Hi Kristjan and Brian,

Thanks for these information. This helped me to find a bug. I don't know yet if this is the same problem than Vladimir has experienced. I'll try to send you a patch very soon. For now, I need to test all cases to be sure that everything is fixed.


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