Dear HAProxy Community,


We are seeking your guidance with regard to the following issue we are
facing with our HAProxy use.





When we use a single monolithic config file (haproxy.cfg), HAPRoxy launches
fine and we are able to access our products that use HTTP/TCP (WebSockets)
and RTMP.  


When we launch HAProxy using multiple config files in a directory, HAProxy
launches fine.  However, our products do not allow administrator to login
(i.e., locks out).  We have to reset the password to login.  Once the admin
logs out, again it locks out the administrator and the password has to be
reset to login.


How is using multiple HAProxy config files in a directory connected to
logging in to our WebSocket product?





We are running HAProxy as a daemon service.  We are using HAProxy init
script from HAProxy's Github source.  /etc/init.d/haproxy has the following


Option 1:  When using SINGLE Config FILE



Option 2:  When using a config DIRECTORY (conf.modular) with multiple files
in alphanumerical order, namely global, defaults, frontend, backend, dns
resolver and statistics:




HAProxy version: 1.7.5

CentOS 7.2

Lua 5.3

Zlib compression

PCRE 8.3x

OpenSSL 1.0.2k



Thank you.




Hemant K. Sabat


Coscend Communications Solutions

Web site:  <> 


Real-time, Interactive Video Collaboration, Tele-healthcare, Tele-education,
Telepresence Services, on the fly.


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