
Anyone any Idea about the question below?


On Sat, 23 Apr 2022 11:05:36 +0200
Aleksandar Lazic <al-hapr...@none.at> wrote:

> Hi.
> I'm not sure if I understand the doc properly.
> https://docs.haproxy.org/2.2/configuration.html#nbthread
> ```
> This setting is only available when support for threads was built in. It
> makes haproxy run on <number> threads. This is exclusive with "nbproc". While
> "nbproc" historically used to be the only way to use multiple processors, it
> also involved a number of shortcomings related to the lack of synchronization
> between processes (health-checks, peers, stick-tables, stats, ...) which do
> not affect threads. As such, any modern configuration is strongly encouraged
> to migrate away from "nbproc" to "nbthread". "nbthread" also works when
> HAProxy is started in foreground. On some platforms supporting CPU affinity,
> when nbproc is not used, the default "nbthread" value is automatically set to
> the number of CPUs the process is bound to upon startup. This means that the
> thread count can easily be adjusted from the calling process using commands
> like "taskset" or "cpuset". Otherwise, this value defaults to 1. The default
> value is reported in the output of "haproxy -vv". See also "nbproc".
> ```
> https://docs.haproxy.org/2.2/configuration.html#3.2-maxconn
> ```
> Sets the maximum per-process number of concurrent connections to <number>. It
> is equivalent to the command-line argument "-n". Proxies will stop accepting
> connections when this limit is reached. The "ulimit-n" parameter is
> automatically adjusted according to this value. See also "ulimit-n". Note:
> the "select" poller cannot reliably use more than 1024 file descriptors on
> some platforms. If your platform only supports select and reports "select
> FAILED" on startup, you need to reduce maxconn until it works (slightly
> below 500 in general). If this value is not set, it will automatically be
> calculated based on the current file descriptors limit reported by the
> "ulimit -n" command, possibly reduced to a lower value if a memory limit
> is enforced, based on the buffer size, memory allocated to compression, SSL
> cache size, and use or not of SSL and the associated maxsslconn (which can
> also be automatic).
> ```
> Let's say we have the following setup.
> ```
> maxconn 20000
> nbthread 4
> ```
> My understanding is that HAProxy will accept 20000 concurrent connection,
> right? Even when I increase the nbthread will HAProxy *NOT* accept more then
> 20000 concurrent connection, right?
> The increasing of nbthread will "only" change that the performance will be
> "better" on a let's say 32 CPU Machine, especially for the upcoming 2.6 :-)
> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/dv3-dsv3-series#dsv3-series
> => Standard_D32s_v3: 32 CPU, 128G RAM
> What confuses me is "maximum per-process" in the maxconn docu part, will every
> thread handle the maxconn or is this for the whole HAProxy instance.
> More mathematically :-O.
> 20000 * 4 = 80000
> or
> 20000 * 4 = 20000
> Regards
> Alex

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