Le 7/4/22 à 11:19, Christopher Faulet a écrit :
Le 6/30/22 à 11:47, Krzysztof Kozłowski a écrit :

I’m struggling with consecutive early-hint statements defined with if condition.

Considering below configuration:

http-request early-hint Link "<https://example.com/style1.css
<https://example.com/style1.css>>; rel="preload"; as="style"" if { path -i -m
beg /test1 }
http-request early-hint Link "<https://example.com/style2.css
<https://example.com/style2.css>>; rel="preload"; as="style"" if { path -i -m
beg /test2 }

I’m not getting HTTP 103 response to 2nd statement.
Response I’m getting with above config:

example.com/test1 <http://example.com/test1> response: HTTP/2 103 + HTTP/2 200
example.com/test2 <http://example.com/test2> response: HTTP/2 200

However if I add some dummy statement in between those early-hints like this:

http-request early-hint Link "<https://example.com/style1.css
<https://example.com/style1.css>>; rel="preload"; as="style"" if { path -i -m
beg /test1 }
http-request set-header X-Test "test-request"
http-request early-hint Link "<https://example.com/style2.css
<https://example.com/style2.css>>; rel="preload"; as="style"" if { path -i -m
beg /test2 }

I’m receiving HTTP 103 response to both statements as expected.
Response I’m getting with above config:

example.com/test1 <http://example.com/test1> response: HTTP/2 103 + HTTP/2 200
example.com/test2 <http://example.com/test2> response: HTTP/2 103 + HTTP/2 200

It looks like an issue with parsing early-hint statements which are defined with
"if” statement.

It’s my first message sent to this mailing list - so please excuse me if I miss
any information required to properly identify the problem. If I’m missing
anything - please do let me know.
I would appreciate any help here.

I’m using HAProxy version 2.4.15-7782e23

Thanks ! Indeed, I can confirm the issue. I'll try to fix it soon.


It should be fixed now in 2.7-DEV but not backported yet. The commit:


Thanks !
Christopher Faulet

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