Le 7/29/22 à 10:13, Christian Ruppert a écrit :
Hi list,

so I noticed on my private HAProxy I have 2 of those logs within the
past ~1-2 months:
haproxy[28669]: [17/Jun/2022:13:55:18.530] public/HTTPSv4:

So that's nothing so far but still no idea what that means.
At work, of 250 mio log entries per day, there are about 600k of those
"Success" ones.
haproxy[27892]: [29/May/2022:00:13:37.316]
genfrontend_35310-foobar/3: Success

I'm not sure what it means by "3". Is it the third bind?

I couldn't trigger those "Success" logs by either restarting or
reloading. What is it for / where does it come from?

Hi Christian,

What is your version ? At first glance, I can't find such log message in the code. It could come from a lua module.

In fact, I found something. It is probably because an "embryonic" session is killed with no connection/ssl error. For instance, an SSL connection rejected because of a "tcp-request session" rule (so after the SSL handshake). The same may happen with a listener using the PROXY protocol.

Christopher Faulet

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