Le 7/24/23 à 19:21, Yaacov Akiba Slama a écrit :
On 24/07/2023 19:02, Aleksandar Lazic wrote:
Are the HAProxy and the FCGI Server on the same host/network or is
there any firewall or anything in between?

Both run in the same host. In order to reproduce the problem I had with
php-fpm, I am using a simple go fcgi server:


With more intensive tests, I'm able to reproduce it time to time. It is timing dependent. It happens when the last 2 DATA frames are decodes in same time. The end of the request is detected to early, on the first DATA frame instead of the last one. I must validate my fix with Amaury but it should be fixed soon.

However, During my tests, I observed another weird issue. But I need more time to figure out what happens.

Stay tuned !
Christopher Faulet

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