Le 25/09/2023 à 23:46, Vladimir Vdovin a écrit :
Added set-timeout for frontend side of session, so it can be used to set
custom per-client timeouts if needed. Added cur_client_timeout to fetch
client timeout samples.

Thanks, it looks good. Number of arguments for cfg_parse_rule_set_timeout() function is a bit high though. what do you think about changing the function to directly take the rule and the proxy as parameters ? I mean:

int cfg_parse_rule_set_timeout(const char **args, int idx, struct act_rule *rule, struct proxy *px, char **err)

It is more readable. However if you are too busy to rework your patch it is really not a problem. I can add the change on top of your patch or just amend it before merging it. Just let me know.

Christopher Faulet

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