I couldn't find this behavior described in the documentation, indeed.

I am not sure to what extent documentation should cover this. For us it is important to understand how it works, so we can build more predictable/reliable setup of the load-balancing layer.

Also, if the behavior has changed/is going to be changed in new versions, maybe, indeed some words would be nice to have in the documentation as well.

On 08/04/2024 10:45, Илья Шипицин wrote:
am I right that you consider that as a documentation bug ?

пн, 8 апр. 2024 г. в 10:44, Andrii Ustymenko <andrii.ustyme...@adyen.com>:

    Yes, for the 1) question indeed.
    Basically I have tested with local "out of sync" custom
    nameserver. And I was observing some inconsistent results of the
    backend-servers table. That led to this question.

    Most of the time I was seeing the state of only from the local
    nameserver. However sometimes I have seen the "merged" state where
    all the replies existed together in the table.

    It was also observed that amount of the requests made by haproxy
    to all nameservers is the same even though the local one normally
    replies faster.

    And sorry, forgot to mention we are running haproxy version 2.8.7

    On 08/04/2024 10:31, Илья Шипицин wrote:
    and particularly your question is "does HAProxy merge all
    responses or pick the first one or use some other approach" ?

    пн, 8 апр. 2024 г. в 10:23, Andrii Ustymenko

        I guess indeed it is not a case of consul-template
        specifically, but more of rendered templates and how haproxy
        maintains it.

        On 06/04/2024 20:15, Илья Шипицин wrote:
        Consul template is something done by consul itself, after
        that haproxy.conf is rendered

        Do you mean "how haproxy deals with rendered template"?

        On Fri, Apr 5, 2024, 15:02 Andrii Ustymenko
        <andrii.ustyme...@adyen.com> wrote:

            Dear list!

            My name is Andrii. I work for Adyen. We are using
            haproxy as our main
            software loadbalancer at quite large scale.
            Af of now our main use-case for backends routing based on
            server-template and dynamic dns from consul as service
            discovery. Below
            is the example of simple backend configuration:

            backend example
               balance roundrobin
               server-template application 10
            _application._tcp.consul resolvers
            someresolvers init-addr last,libc,none resolve-opts
            resolve-prefer ipv4 check ssl verify none

            and in global configuration

            resolvers someresolvers
               nameserver ns1 <>
               nameserver ns2 <>

            As we see haproxy will create internal table for
            backends with some
            be_id and be_name=application and allocate 10 records
            for each server
            with se_id from 1 to 10. Then those records get
            populated and updated
            with the data from resolvers.
            I would like to understand couple of things with regards
            to this
            structure and how it works, which I could not figure out
            myself from the
            source code:

            1) In tcpdump for dns queries we see that haproxy
            asynchronously polls
            all the nameservers simultaneously. For instance:

            11:06:17.587798 eth2  Out ifindex 4 aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa
            ethertype IPv4
            (0x0800), length 108: >
   34307+ [1au]
            SRV? _application._tcp.consul. (60)
            11:06:17.587802 eth2  Out ifindex 4 aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa
            ethertype IPv4
            (0x0800), length 108: >
   34307+ [1au]
            SRV? _application._tcp.consul. (60)
            11:06:17.588097 eth2  In  ifindex 4 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
            ethertype IPv4
            (0x0800), length 205: >
   2194 2/0/1 SRV
            0a5099e5.addr.consul.:25340 1 1, SRV
            0a509934.addr.consul.:26010 1 1 (157)
            11:06:17.588097 eth2  In  ifindex 4 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
            ethertype IPv4
            (0x0800), length 205: >
   2194 2/0/1 SRV
            0a5099e5.addr.consul.:25340 1 1, SRV
            0a509934.addr.consul.:26010 1 1 (157)

            Both nameservers reply with the same response. But what
            if they are out
            of sync? Let's say one says: server1, server2 and the
            second one says
            server2, server3? So far testing this locally - I see
            sometimes the
            reply overrides the table, but sometimes it seems to
            just gets merged
            with the rest.

            2) Each entry from SRV reply will be placed into the
            table under
            specific se_id. Most of the times that placement won't
            change. So, for
            the example above the most likely 0a5099e5.addr.consul. and
            0a509934.addr.consul. will have se_id 1 and 2
            respectively. However
            sometimes we have the following scenario:

            1. We admistratively disable the server (drain traffic)
            with the next

            echo "set server example/application1 state maint" | nc -U

            the MAINT flag will be added to the record with se_id 1

            2. Instance of application goes down and gets
            de-registered from consul,
            so also evicted from srv replies and out of discovery of

            3. Instance of application goes up and gets registered
            by consul and
            discovered by haproxy, but haproxy allocates different
            se_id for it.
            Haproxy healthchecks will control the traffic to it in
            this case.

            4. We will still have se_id 1 with MAINT flag and
            application instance
            dns record placed into different se_id.

            The problem comes that any new discovered record which
            get placed into
            se_id 1 will never be active until either command:

            echo "set server example/application1 state ready" | nc -U

            executed or haproxy gets reloaded without state file.
            With this pattern
            we basically have persistent "records pollution" due to
            operations made
            directly with control socket.

            I am not sure is there anything to do about this. Maybe,
            if haproxy
            could cache the state not only of se_id but also
            associated record with
            that and then if that gets changed - re-schedule
            healtchecks. Or instead
            of integer ids use some hashed ids based on
            dns/ip-addresses of
            discovered records, in this case binding will happen
            exactly in the same

            Thanks in advance!


            Best regards,

            Andrii Ustymenko

        Andrii Ustymenko
        Platform Reliability Engineer

        office +31 20 240 12 40

        Adyen Headquarters
        Simon Carmiggeltstraat 6-50, 5th floor
        1011 DJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands

        Adyen <https://www.adyen.com>

    Andrii Ustymenko
    Platform Reliability Engineer

    office +31 20 240 12 40

    Adyen Headquarters
    Simon Carmiggeltstraat 6-50, 5th floor
    1011 DJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Adyen <https://www.adyen.com>


Andrii Ustymenko
Platform Reliability Engineer

office +31 20 240 12 40

Adyen Headquarters
Simon Carmiggeltstraat 6-50, 5th floor
1011 DJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Adyen <https://www.adyen.com>

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