Hi Abhijeet,

On Mon, Apr 08, 2024 at 08:11:28PM -0700, Abhijeet Rastogi wrote:
> Hi HAproxy community,
> Let's assume that HAproxy starts with non-zero values for close-spread-time
> and hard-stop-after, and soft-stop is used to initiate the shutdown during
> deployments.
> There are times where we need to modify these values, eg, in case the
> operator needs to restart HAproxy faster, but still use the soft-stop
> workflow.
> So, it will be nice to have the ability to modify these values via CLI.
> RFC:-
> - Does this seem like a fair use-case?
> - If this is good, I can also work on the patch for hard-stop-after.

Yes, I think that both totally make sense from a production perspective.
I hadn't thought about that before, but it's obvious that when you've
deployed with a wrong setting or are observing a bad behavior, you'd
really like the old process to quit much faster.

> Patch questions:-
> - I've added reg-tests under a new folder "cli" because I was unable to
> find a better match. Let me know if that should be moved.

I think that's fine. From time to time we move them around when better
classification can be found.

> - If that's a concern, there is code duplication b/w proxy.c [1]  and this
> cli.c. I am unable to find a file where we can create a utility function.

I'm not seeing anything wrong with what you've done.

> Mostly, the concern is to modify "global.tune.options" whenever
> "global.close_spread_time" changes.

Ah, good point!

> - I noticed global struct is accessed without any locks, is that like a
> "known" race condition for these simple operations? I don't primarily
> develop C code, and this was confusing to me.

You're totally right, and then you're indeed introducing a bug :-)

It happens that the global struct is only changed during startup, hence
it's single-threaded at this point. After that it's only read. But for
such rare operations that consist in changing global shared stuff, we
have a secret weapon. We can temporarily pause all other threads during
the change, to guarantee exclusive access to everything. This is done
by issuing: "thread_isolate();" before the critical code, and
"thread_release();" at the end (i.e. around your manipulation of
tune.options and close_spread_time. This means you should rearrange
the parsing function to group the changes together. That's easier than
it seems if you set an ormask, andnotmask and the new value from a
local variable. This way you don't have to care about threads.

I was also thinking about something, I wouldn't be surprised if we start
to see more commands to change some global ones like this. As such I
think it would be better to call this "set global close-spread-time" so
that is more commands affecting the global section happen later, they'll
already be grouped together and will be easier to find.


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