Hi Przemek,

I think there is such an unsafe usage of hb_itemGetCPtr()
in philes.c / FREAD().

That one sprang to my mind, but maybe there are more.


On 2008.01.11., at 18:01, Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:

2008-01-11 18:01 UTC+0100 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
 * harbour/include/hbapiitm.h
 * harbour/source/vm/itemapi.c
   + added new functions:
        BOOL hb_itemParamStore( USHORT uiParam, PHB_ITEM pItem )
BOOL hb_itemParamStoreForward( USHORT uiParam, PHB_ITEM pItem )
     They copy/move pItem body to parameter passed by reference and
return TRUE when operation was done successfully (uiParam was passed
     by reference)
   + added new functions for string manipulation:
        char * hb_itemLockReadCPtr( PHB_ITEM pItem, ULONG * pulLen );
        char * hb_itemLockWriteCPtr( PHB_ITEM pItem, ULONG * pulLen );
        void   hb_itemUnLockCPtr( char * pszString );
     It's recommended to use them instead of hb_itemGetCPtr().
     Pointer to string buffer returned by hb_itemLockReadCPtr() will
     be always valid even if source item will be cleared, destroyed or
overwritten until hb_itemUnLockCPtr() is called. Each locked string has to be unlocked to avoid memory leaks. After unlocking the string
     pointer cannot be longer used.
hb_itemLockWriteCPtr() works like hb_itemLockReadCPtr() but string
     pointer returned by this function is writable so user can change
the body of string item. It's the _ONLY_ one way when it's possible.
     Modifying string items using pointers returned by hb_parc() or
hb_itemGetCPtr() or extracted directly from HB_ITEM body is _FORBIDDEN_ and can cause unpredictable results (GPF when constant/readonly memory pages are changed, changing many different items which share the same
     memory buffer, etc.).
     This is code illustrates how to use hb_itemLockReadCPtr()/
hb_itemUnLockCPtr() and it's also good example why hb_itemGetCPtr()
     is very danger function and cannot be used in such case - if you
     replace hb_itemLockReadCPtr() with hb_itemGetCPtr() and remove
     hb_itemUnLockCPtr() then you will have buggy code.

        HB_FUNC( MYFUNC )
           PHB_ITEM pObject = hb_param( 1, HB_IT_OBJECT )
           if( pObject )
              char * pszName1, * pszName2;
              PHB_ITEM pResult;

              pResult = hb_objSendMsg( pObject, "POP", 0 );
              pszName1 = hb_itemLockReadCPtr( pResult, NULL );
              pResult = hb_objSendMsg( pObject, "POP", 0 );
              pszName2 = hb_itemLockReadCPtr( pResult, NULL );
              if( pszName1 && pszName2 )
                 hb_retc_buffer( hb_xstrcpy( NULL,
"[", pszName1, "]-[", pszName2, "]", NULL ) );
              hb_itemUnLockCPtr( pszName1 );
              hb_itemUnLockCPtr( pszName2 );

     This code shows how to use hb_itemLockWriteCPtr():
        proc main()
           local cVal, cVal2
           cVal := cVal2 := "ABC"
           STRPUT( @cVal2, 2, 42 )
           ? cVal, cVal2
        #pragma begindump
        #include "hbapiitm.h"
        HB_FUNC( STRPUT )
           PHB_ITEM pString = hb_param( 1, HB_IT_STRING );
           ULONG ulAt = hb_parnl( 2 );
           if( pString && ulAt && ISNUM( 3 ) )
              ULONG ulLen;
              char * pszValue;
              pszValue = hb_itemLockWriteCPtr( pString, &ulLen );
              if( pszValue )
                 if( ulAt <= ulLen )
                    pszValue[ ulAt - 1 ] = ( char ) hb_parni( 3 );
                 hb_itemUnLockCPtr( pszValue );
        #pragma enddump

 * harbour/include/hbcompdf.h
 * harbour/include/hbexprop.h
 * harbour/include/hbexprb.c
 * harbour/source/compiler/hbmain.c
 * harbour/source/compiler/cmdcheck.c
 * harbour/source/compiler/hbusage.c
* removed HB_I18N_SUPPORT macro and enabled I18N code in default build

best regards
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