On Fri, 25 Jan 2008, Szakáts Viktor wrote:
> I'm trying to minimize confusion and variations
> when it comes to make files, and adding make_gnu.cmd
> doesn't really help in that process (since we
> already have the same filename with .bat extension,
> and for most ppl - who are Windows users - .cmd seems
> to be a possible (but in our case, non-working) choice
> when trying to initiate a build.

I understand and agree.

> So, if .bat works in OS/2 (which I believe they do, but
> I may be wrong), I'd suggest not to add a copy of that
> file with the .cmd extension (and different HB_* defaults
> set). If it works OS/2 users will have to set those three
> envvars and lauch the .bat file. Same goes for bin/bld.bat.

AFAIK it doesn't. Here is part of David message which he sent
to this list few weeks ago.
| These type of files are need under OS/2
| Using make_gnu.bat ( with proper platform/compiler sets ) result in:
| ---------------------
| [E:\harbour712]make_gnu.bat
| SYS1057: The file or path name entered is invalid in a DOS session.
| ---------------------
| .bat files are considered for 16 bits sessions and in this case OS/2
| open one "DOS session" to handle make_gnu.bat, while .cmd files are for
| 32 bits sessions
| Can you recall .cmd files ?

Maybe I missed sth but I understood that now he has to set all
envvars manually and call 'make' directly.

best regards,
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