On Wed, 22 Oct 2008, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:
> hbmk.bat has -tWM by default, so it should be okay. (but
> I didn't test it for this case specifically).

I'm not BCC user but I thought that -tWM enables only
MT mode but does not force GUI and WinMain() startup.
If not then we may need additional switch for console
MT applications or GTSTD and similar GTs will not work
with BCC MT programs. I cannot say too much about final
MS-Windows binaries behavior because when I execute them
in WINE they have different startup conditions then in
real MS-Windows.

> MSVC on the other hand needs /subsystem:windows instead
> of /subsystem:console to make it work. I'll commit
> some modifications to help doing that.

AFAIR just like POCC.
In MinGW it's -mwindows and this switch is recognized by hb*
scripts though I'll add sth simpler like -gui in the future.
Maybe in hbmk.bat you should add support for some command line
switches passed at the beginning, f.e. sth like:

   IF '%1' == '-mt' GOTO NO_MT
      SET HB_MT=MT
   IF '%1' == '-gui' GOTO NO_GUI
      SET HB_GUI=yes

best regards,
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