2008-10-24 12:00 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
  * harbour/source/rtl/gtxwc/gtxwc.c
    * added hack for problems with some XLIB versions in heavy stress
      MT tests

  * harbour/include/hbapigt.h
  * harbour/source/vm/thread.c
    * added parameter to hb_gtAlloc() C function

  * harbour/include/hbapigt.h
  * harbour/source/rtl/hbgtcore.c
    + added hb_gtCreate() and hb_gtSwap() C functions
    + added new .prg functions:
         HB_GTCREATE( <cGtName> ) -> <pGT>
         HB_GTSELECT( <pGT> ) -> <pPrevGT>
      Using this functions is possible to create many console window
      if GT supports such possibilities (f.e. GTXWC or GTWVT) even in
      single thread programs and switch between them.

  * harbour/source/rtl/box.c
    ! fixed one of recent DISPBOX() modifications - it should use:
      hb_gtBoxEx() instead of hb_gtDrawBox() to set cursor position.

  + harbour/tests/gtwin.prg
    + added demonstration/test code for using more then one console window
      also in single thread programs.

best regards
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