Revision: 14564
Author:   vszakats
Date:     2010-05-24 11:21:30 +0000 (Mon, 24 May 2010)

Log Message:
2010-05-24 13:20 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01
  * utils/hbmk2/hbmk2.prg
  * utils/hbmk2/examples/plug_moc.prg
    % Refined how context is passed to plugins, and how
      context is passed back to public APIs.
    + Added way to accept parameters from the cmdline and .hbp
      files. This is possible via '-pflag=' and '-pi=' options.
      Latter serves to pass input file, so the input file magic
      logic is always applied to it. Notice that all plugins are
      getting all input parameters, so it's their job to process
      only what's relevant to them. plugin specific option prefixes
      f.e. can be a solution for that.
    + Added API to add new input .prg, .c, .cpp and .rc files
      to the build process.
    + Added better protection from tampering internal hbmk2
      structures by plugins.
    + Showing error condition and location in case of an RTE occurs
      in a plugin.

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