IMHO for average Harbour users more official releases would be important.
For sure most users here build Harbour from SVN but the majority
non-hardcore users wait to official releases. In defense of these users I
would suggest release an official package at least two times by year to
facilitate the access to latest technologies to them. I think future users,
die hard Clipper users, xHarbour users which need the final motive to
migrate to Harbour and other people need an ease way to enter in Harbour
world. If this is a good idea, it means 2.1 need to walking quickly to
official release now. Harbour 2.0 is completing 6 months in next weeks (It
was hard to calculate this :-) )

I see a lot of improvements, important bug fix, new technologies, cleanups,
some incomplete issues on 2.0 was finished, in my vision HBIDE was alpha in
2.0 and is beta now. It have good reasons to release a new official release
soon.  Some hidden problems could arrive when preparing the official
package, it's one more reason to do this with less interval than past.

For me SVN is perfect I advocate this to users whom aren't here to request

[]'s Maniero
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