            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

The Smart Money on this morning's Hardball production call was that Iraq was the big 
story...There's a number of things out there which struck our attention:

Item: The Washington Post's lead story on congressional authorization before heading 
into Iraq...White House counsel Alberto Gonzales is said to have prepared a document 
for Bush saying he needs no approval from Congress to use force against Iraq...

Item: Former Sec. of State James Baker authored a piece in yesterday's New York Times: 
"The United States should advocate the adoption by the United Nations Security Council 
of a simple and straightforward resolution requiring that Iraq submit to intrusive 
inspections anytime, anywhere, with no exceptions, and authorizing all necessary means 
to enforce it."  He also suggested ground forces and a military occupation was 
necessary...A lot of buzz on this yesterday on the Sunday shows...

Watching Ari's presser from the "Western White House" it's clear this is a huge 
story...He said consulting congress was a "sine qua non" which I gotta give him points 
for...Very smooth rhetorical flourish...Bohler take note...

Item: Pentagon officials are suggesting in The New York Times today that Saddam may 
pursue an urban, guerrilla warfare strategy against U.S. forces...Mogadishu redux?

Item: The State Department will start training Iraqi dissidents in the art of "spin" 
so they can get and stay "on message" as we say in DC...

We'll talk former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger, Senator Chuck Hagel and Ken 
Adelman (a former Reagan defense/arms control dude) in the A & B blocks...C will be 
Howard (yes, Fineman is back) on the "regime change" politics inside the White House...

I'm talking to "B-1" Bob Dornan and he's fired up about being in the Buzz 
tonight...He's all over the congressional authorization issue...Center left 
commentator Carl Jeffers from the Seattle Times will jump in as well...

We'll debate the proposed smoking ban in New York City for the D block...Mayor 
Bloomberg wants bars and restaurants smoke free as in California...I asked Chris: if 
that was law, where would the Rat Pack go for a drink?  Should be a smokin' segment! 
(I had to get that cheesy pun in)

Real Deal topics include the latest musings from Katherine Harris, Al Franken, Henry 
Kissinger & Martha Stewart...

Oh, and yes Chris is back tonight on the show!

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited the Briefing in Washington, DC

WashPost: Bush aides say no Iraq war vote needed...Lawyers for President Bush have 
concluded he can launch an attack on Iraq without new approval from Congress, in part 
because they say that permission remains in force from the 1991 resolution giving 
Bush's father authority to wage war in the Persian Gulf 

..Two senior administration officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said White 
House counsel Al Gonzales advised Bush earlier this month that the Constitution gives 
the president authority to wage war without explicit authority from Congress. (AP) 

Consultation Flashback (8/22): On Iraq, Bush to Consult With Allies and 
Congress...President Reiterates Call for 'Regime Change' 

War Powers Resolution of 1973 

Cheney Lays Out Case Against Iraq (AP) 

According to Pentagon officials, Saddam Hussein will use the threat of urban warfare 
if the Bush administration moves to attack. (NY Times) 

Iraqi opposition to learn the art of Spin...Dissidents to Aid Case for Iraq 
Action...U.S. to Coach Baghdad's Opponents for Debate (Washington Post) 

Baker's piece: The Right Way to Change a Regime (NY Times) 

Amid an intensifying debate over whether the United States should attack Iraq, former 
Secretary of State James Baker won early support on Sunday for suggesting the United 
Nations send in weapons inspectors backed by the threat of force (Reuters) 

Senators back forced checks of Iraqi arsenal...Key senators yesterday expressed 
support for a plan to get U.N. approval for forcing weapons inspections on Iraq before 
taking military action against Saddam Hussein. (The Washington Times) 

GOP split over Iraq strategy...Prominent Republicans split yesterday over a call to 
President Bush to link military action against Iraq to Saddam Hussein's refusal to 
allow UN weapons inspections (NY Daily News) 

Rowan Scarborough: Pentagon brief details Iraq's arms capability...The Pentagon is 
circulating a detailed assessment of Baghdad´s nuclear, biological and chemical 
weapons programs. http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/default-200282643144.htm

Hawks, Doves and Dubya...To move forward on Iraq, the president must first end the war 
between his troops (Newsweek) http://www.msnbc.com/news/798832.asp
Benedetto: President Bush is to meet with Saudi Ambassador Bandar bin Sultan at his 
Texas ranch Tuesday to try to mend the long and mostly friendly relationship between 
their countries. (USA Today) http://www.usatoday.com/usatonline/20020826/4391204s.htm

Officials promise action at Earth Summit...Government officials, environmental 
activists and business leaders promised Sunday the upcoming World Summit on 
Sustainable Development will be about action -- not just words -- to save the 
environment and combat poverty. 

The Earth Summit opens on Monday in Johannesburg, giving world governments driven by a 
mix of idealism and realpolitik just 10 days to agree on ways to haul millions out of 
poverty without poisoning the planet. (Reuters) 

U.S. general: 'Long ways to go' in Afghanistan Despite improved security, the country 
is still unstable (USA Today) http://www.usatoday.com/usatonline/20020826/4391202s.htm

The Israeli army came under fire yesterday after Israel Radio broadcast an 
investigative report that found that the looting of Palestinian property by Israeli 
troops was more widespread than previously thought (NY Post) 

Bill Gertz, defense and national security reporter for The Washington Times, in his 
new book, "Breakdown" (Regnery Publishing), details pervasive intelligence problems 
that allowed the United States to be blindsided by Islamist terrorists on September 
11. http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/default-20028264297.htm

Biowarfare specialist Steven J. Hatfill, who has said repeatedly he had nothing to do 
with last fall's anthrax attacks, was critical yesterday of Attorney General John 
Ashcroft and the FBI for labeling him a "person of interest" in the federal 
investigation - and for telling Mr. Hatfill's girlfriend he was a killer. (The 
Washington Times) http://www.washingtontimes.com/metro/20020826-19169397.htm

A letter said to have been written by Osama bin Laden just weeks ago, has surfaced on 
the Web. (NY Post) http://www.nypost.com/news/worldnews/55732.htm

NY Politics: Carl McCall's running mate for lieutenant governor, Dennis Mehiel, 
admitted yesterday that he fathered two out-of-wedlock children, with two different 
women, while married to his first wife. (NY Post) 

NH Politics: GOP May Feel Generation Gap in N.H. Primary (Wash Post) 

Women advance in governor races Record number could win election (USA Today) 

Lambro Analysis: Losses expected by GOP in states 

Kurtz: All in a Day's Work...On 9/11, Chasing the Story That Chased Back 

Al Gore might have had a statewide recount if he hadn't decided to "unleash the dogs 
of war" on Secretary of State Katherine Harris in Florida's postelection chaos. 
(Tallahassee Democrat) 

"Frasier" star Kelsey Grammer on President Bush: "He was terrific today. I'm a big 
fan," (SF Chronicle) 

Fans of the booted "Opie and Anthony" radio show were flooding the Internet over the 
weekend with speculation that their afternoon heroes may soon be back on the air - to 
face off against ratings leader Howard Stern in the morning. (NY Post) 

Rush & Molloy: James Woods is looking out for Rudy Giuliani...The actor, due to play 
America's mayor in a cable TV movie, has demanded a rewrite of his script because it 
didn't make Giuliani look heroic enough, according to sources. 

Lizzie Grubman: "Of course, I'm afraid. It's fear of the unknown. You don't know what 
to expect. The reality is, I'm sure I'll ... break ... I don't know what I'll have to 
face. I just know I have to deal with it." (Cindy Adams) 


Zakaria: To Fire on Iraq, Use a Trigger...However justified, America will not initiate 
a war with another country without a specific provocation. We are simply not going to 
do it http://www.msnbc.com/news/798785.asp 

Neal Justin: Media coverage goes 24-7 for 9-11; is it too much? 

Fire fight...Green groups began slamming President Bush's forestry plan as soon as he 
announced it. But Bush's proposal to reduce forest fires by cutting down trees does 
get it half right, writes Douglas Gantenbein.

Blast from the past: Appeasement, Then and Now...Do liberals really believe in liberal 
principles? http://www.opinionjournal.com/columnists/rbartley/?id=110002152

Novak: GOP rebels fight budget battle 

Ex. RNC chief Rich Bond: Waging class warfare...Democratic Party tactics will fail 
again http://www.washingtontimes.com/op-ed/20020826-29401293.htm

Horowitz: Ted Koppel's Spin Zone: How Nightline Controls What
You See http://jewishworldreview.com/cols/horowitz.html

Mallard Fillmore http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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