            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

No sooner had I hit the "send" button on The Briefing yesterday floating Frank 
Pallone's name as The Torch's successor than the news came across the wires that 
Pallone's wife put the kabash on it....Apparently she wanted to keep the House his 
home...So it looks as though the Democrat dynastic succession in New Jersey is 
complete with the ascension of Lautenberg (provided they can convince the courts to 
put his name on the ballot)...No, there's no "dynasty" here of course, but I think the 
term "dynastic succession" is pretty cool so I wanted to work it in somehow..

Anyway, it's Wednesday night which means it's Hardball College Tour night...Tonight we 
bring Massachusetts Senator John Kerry from the Citadel in Charleston, SC....I'm 
dubbing tonight's show "John Kerry's job interview for the presidency"...We'll see if 
he has the stuff to bring about "regime change" in the White House...Unlike other 
tours however, this one is NOT open to the public...It's only for the cadets...The 
good news is, you can watch it at home with your favorite snack and feet kicked up on 
the couch without having a pesky drill sergeant breathing down your neck...

Citadel Release http://citadel.edu/pao/newsreleases/hardball.htm

Hardball Release http://www.msnbc.com/news/808827.asp

Other fun stuff in the news today: Bush and House leaders reach deal on Iraq 
resolution, Gore slams the Bush administration on the economy, Complications re: UN 
Iraq resolution, Ari says a bullet for Saddam is the cheapest way for regime change, 
plus more Babs political fallout...

The Briefing was written, compiled and edited by Dominic Bellone deep inside the 

For those of you confused about my sign off yesterday, I was referring to the 
Washington Post writer's strike: 'Byline Strike' Begins at Post...Guild Calls for 
5-Day Action as Contract Talks Hit Standstill Over Union-Membership Rules 

And here's a suggested meal for tonight as well: Seared steak on spinach is a simple 
recipe for a weeknight supper that is ready in minutes, easily committed to memory and 
well worth repeating. (Post Food Section) 

Gore on Bush: The president is "like a lost driver who won't stop to ask for 
directions." (AP) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A32653-2002Oct2.html

Sneed: Now comes word liberal political gadfly James "Ole Serpent Head" Carville--the 
husband of Bushite Mary Matalin, who hisses when her spouse talks--is hoping to 
co-produce a remake of the famous flick "All the King's Men." Imagine. 

Henry's Heard on the Hill: McCain's Mouthpiece? In a development that's sure to get 
the rumor mill whirring again with talk of another presidential campaign for Sen. John 
McCain (R-Ariz.), Marshall Wittmann has emerged as a candidate to become the 
lawmaker's new communications director. http://www.rollcall.com/pages/columns/hoh/

Something to make you go hmmmmm: "At 10 am this morning reporters will be desperately 
trying to keep up with House Min. Leader Dick Gephardt's (D-MO) announcement on Iraq, 
the NJ court hearing on the SEN race and Al Gore's Brookings speech" (Courtesy of 
Hotline's Wake Up Call!)

Babs responds to Drudge in the latest "Truth Alert" 

Page Six: For the first time in many years, La Streisand's other mouthpiece, Ken 
Sunshine, was speechless when asked about the Shakespeare snafu. But he gamely 
declared, "Nobody else has the guts to say what's really on her mind about serious 
issues." http://pagesix.com/pagesix/pagesix.htm

Grove: Babs, Beware the Bogus Bard! 

Briefing subscriber Sharon Martin writes in:

Does Ms. Streisand owe Dan Quayle an apology???????????????  YES!

Thanks for checking in Ms. Martin...All the best, D

Bush, House Democrats agree to Iraq resolution...Senate could follow soon; president 
agrees to military action only if diplomacy fails" (AP) 

N.J. Senate race heads to court http://msnbc.com/news/815055.asp

If there were two subjects that dominated Frank Lautenberg's thoughts in the past few 
years, it has been a gnawing regret about retiring from the United States Senate and 
his personal hatred for his former colleague, Robert Torricelli. (Star Ledger) 

Democrats double-crossed Sen. Robert Torricelli last night by tapping his arch-enemy 
Frank Lautenberg to replace him in the New Jersey Senate race - but first, they have 
to get a court's approval. (NY Post) http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/58603.htm

Senator Robert G. Torricelli's stunning decision to drop his re-election bid has added 
new volatility to the battle for control of the Senate, with eight races now 
considered too close to call and Democrats in a fierce struggle to hang on to their 
precarious one-seat majority. (The New York Times) 

The White House press secretary today said the Bush administration would welcome the 
assassination of Saddam Hussein by his countrymen, arguing that "one bullet" would be 
a cost-effective way of removing the threat the Iraqi leader represents. (Washington 
Post) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A28904-2002Oct1.html

Veterans on Hill support Iraq hit...A strong majority of congressional lawmakers who 
have served in the armed forces during wartime support a U.S. invasion of Iraq. (The 
Washington Times) http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20021002-90284127.htm

Antiwar voices rise, but with twist...Europe saw massive peace protests over the 
weekend, but UN-led action against Iraq finds favor. (Christian Science Monitor) 

Iraq rejects U.S. call for resolution...Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz 
rejected on Wednesday as "unacceptable" a tough new U.N. resolution Washington is 
pushing to cover weapons inspectors and warned that Iraq would "fight very 
effectively" if attacked by the United States. 

WashPost: Iraqi deal complicates U.S. plans...With Iraq's decision Tuesday to agree to 
new weapons inspections, the Bush administration faces difficult choices and complex 
diplomacy as it races to complete action on a U.N. resolution and congressional 
authorization for military action. 

Investors will soon be getting their third-quarter financial statements showing a 
sharp drop in retirement wealth, and some Republican Party strategists fear they could 
lose House and Senate races in November if stocks decline further this month. (The 
Washington Times) http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20021002-25288814.htm

Homeland Security Bill Is Stalled...Prospects Dim for Passage This Year (The 
Washington Post) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A30060-2002Oct1.html

Lost Chance on Terrorists Cited...INS, FAA Might Have Found 2 of 19 Hijackers, 
Officials Say (The Washington Post) 

Quinnipiac Release: Gov. Rowland Pulling Away In Connecticut; Incumbent Leads In Every 
Region And On Key Issues http://www.quinnipiac.edu/x3401.xml

TX Senate Race: Give Iraq a chance before waging war, Cornyn urges (Houston Chronicle) 

PA Gov.: Lucky for Rendell he's not facing Schweiker (Philly Daily News) 

NY Gov.: A top aide to Gov. Pataki crowed yesterday that "the wheels have come off" of 
Carl McCall's campaign - as a new poll put Pataki well ahead, even in heavily 
Democratic New York City. (NY Post) http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/58568.htm

Gov. Jesse Ventura, who has decried the nation's "pathetic" voter turnout, was among 
those citizens who didn't make it to the polls Sept. 10. (Star Tribune) 

CQ: In the latest electoral wrinkle stemming from the death of Democratic Rep. Patsy 
T. Mink, Hawaii election officials announced they will call a special election for 
Nov. 30 to fill the remainder of her term in the 107th Congress 

Dicker: McCALL'S troubled campaign for governor has a new problem: An internal feud 
just led to the firing of top adviser Hank Sheinkopf, a nationally known consultant 

Capital Comment: Daily news notes, political rumors, and important events that shape 
politics and public policy in Washington and the world 

Kurtz: In the days before the Torch was extinguished, the media elitists met in a 
windowless room somewhere and decided that the Republicans are favored in '02. 

Page Six at the "Red Dragon" premiere: Chelsea Clinton looked radiant with her 
boyfriend, Ian Klaus, who was seen affectionaly cupping her copious can. 

Inside Politics: http://washingtontimes.com/national/20021002-86016198.htm

Law & Order starts its 13th season tonight with the debut of Sen. Fred Thompson, 
Tennessee Republican, as District Attorney Arthur Branch and a 
ripped-from-the-headlines story about an American Taliban who just might remind some 
viewers of John Walker Lindh. (Baltimore Sun) 


Barone: Money, Money, Money...What drove Bob Torricelli. 

Kelly: Reinforced caricature http://www.jewishworldreview.com/michael/kelly.html

Anne Applebaum: Tyrants and megalomaniacs...Hitler didn't behave rationally; what 
about Saddam? http://www.msnbc.com/news/815545.asp

Sperling: Comparative American dynasties...Whatever Bush will face in '04, he won't 
have an opponent with the 
stature and fame of Andrew Jackson. http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/1001/p09s01-cogs.html

Witcover: Democratic Sen. Bob Torricelli's effort to convert from goat to hero by 
dropping his bid for a second term from New Jersey may in the end save his party's 
Senate majority. But it comes very late in the game, and even if it does help, it 
won't save his reputation. 

Blankley: President Daschle...In his pride and agony, he let it out on the Senate 
floor http://washingtontimes.com/op-ed/blankley.htm

Mercer: Too bad, Mrs. Toogood, we're taking your kids 

Title IX: 30 years and counting...Conservatives who want to roll back Title IX ought 
to realize the landmark 1972 law does much more than give girls a chance to play 
sports in school, writes Lynn Sanders in Slate.

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

Mallard Fillmore http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

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