            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

We've got "The Donald" leading the show...No, not Rummy, the original "The 
Donald"...Trump, that is...Talk about a playa with some bling bling!  We'll go big 
picture with The Donald on the economy, Bush's tax cut, politics, Martha and who he 
would vote for in a Hillary v. Rudy match up...Plus, much more!

In the B block we'll talk to Former NH Senator Warren Rudman on that new report out by 
the Council of Foreign Relations that says we ain't prepared for another major 
terrorist attack...

Nearly two years after the Sept. 11 attacks, the United States remains "dangerously 
unprepared" to handle another catastrophic attack, according to a study by the Council 
on Foreign Relations. (AP) 

In the D block debate we'll look at the vexing issue of North Korea, their advanced 
nuclear ambitions and what we should do about it...

My buddy Hitchens will be here for that debate...

U.S. intelligence officials believe North Korea is developing technology that could 
make nuclear warheads small enough to be placed atop the country's missiles, which 
could put Tokyo -- and American troops based in Japan -- at risk, the New York Times 
reported on Tuesday. (Reuters) 

Plus, part two of Luntz's California focus group...Tonight he'll focus on Arnold 
Schwarznegger and what his chances are out in the Golden State should Gov. Gray Davis 
be recalled...Terry, gimme a call, I need you for the Buzz tonight!  I'll put you on 
with Texas radio talk show host Jim Hightower http://jimhightower.com/

Terry's latest: A border incident 

Now c'mon folks, what did you think of our segment with Ann Coulter?  Obviously Chris 
is back from vacation and was on fire last night...If you saw it, hit reply and give 
me your thoughts...This morning Richard Cohen, a reliably liberal voice in The 
Washington Post, slams Ann...Cohen: Crackpot Conservatism 

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7, 11 & 2 am Eastern time....

Btw, if you didn't read this great review for our colleague Keith Olberman in last 
week's Sun Times click here: 

NB: The 7 pm slot referred to in the piece is Central Time..

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Arnold Schwarzenegger refuses to terminate rumors of a run for governor while 
promoting his latest movie, joking that: "You haven't seen special effects like this 
since the California state budget." (AP) 

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy says he won't support the gubernatorial ambitions of Arnold 
Schwarzenegger (news), who's married to Maria Shriver, Kennedy's niece. (AP) 

California has a $38 billion budget deficit, a Legislature paralyzed by partisanship, 
rising taxes and looming layoffs at schools and hospitals. It's a recipe for voter 
frustration, and some California Republicans are pouncing on the chance to try to 
reverse a long losing streak at the polls. (USA Today) 

6 U.S. troops wounded in Iraq...Insurgents strike soldiers in Baghdad; Blast rocks 
Fallujah mosque (MSNBC) http://msnbc.com/news/870749.asp?0cv=CA01

No Iraq 'Quagmire,' Rumsfeld Asserts...Secretary Disputes Vietnam Comparison (The 
Washington Post) 

Online Fundraising Aids Dean Effort...After a final day of online fundraising that 
netted over $500,000, former Vt. governor Howard Dean closed the second quarter of the 
presidential fundraising year atop the Democratic field as the early money leaders 
battled to keep up, the campaigns said Monday. (The Washington Post) 

President Bush and his GOP running mate netted $4 million in four stops for his 
re-election campaign while Howard Dean racked up at least $802,000 in a daylong 
Web-a-thon that put him firmly among Democratic money leaders as the second 
fund-raising quarter ended. (AP) 

Tom Curry: How Dean uses power of the Web...Presidential contender mobilizes 
volunteers, impresses political pros 
with $7 million in funds http://www.msnbc.com/news/933274.asp

Barabek analysis: Dean's Momentum Stirs Opponents' Fears...The onetime outsider in the 
Democratic race is raising money at an unexpected rate. 

Mosque blast as U.S. troops attacked...U.S. soldiers were hurt in two separate attacks 
in Baghdad on Tuesday and a massive explosion beside a mosque in the troubled town of 
Fallujah reportedly killed several Iraqis.

"U.S. OFFICIALS need to get our [expletive] out of here," said the 43-year-old 
reservist from Pittsburgh, who arrived in Iraq with the 307th Military Police Company 
on May 24. "I say that seriously. We have no business being here. We will not change 
the culture they have in Iraq, in Baghdad. Baghdad is so corrupted. All we are here is 
potential people to be killed and sitting ducks." (The Washington Post) 

As the search for weapons of mass destruction continues with no major finds in Iraq 
and U.S. troops continue to suffer deadly attacks, confidence in the war effort is 
declining, a USA TODAY/ CNN/Gallup Poll shows. 

Seven in 10 people in a poll say the Bush administration implied that Iraq and its 
leader Saddam Hussein were involved in the Sept. 11 attacks against the United States. 

U.S. Clamps Down on Iraqi Resistance...U.S. forces detained 180 people Monday, 
including an Iraqi colonel, in raids in and near Baghdad aimed at squelching 
resistance activity, while troops in Najaf arrested the U.S.-appointed mayor, military 
officials said. (The Washington Post) 

President Bush renewed his push for school-vouchers on Tuesday, backing legislation 
that would give District of Columbia children private-school tuition grants and, Bush 
hopes, spark new momentum nationwide for such programs. (AP) 

Milbank: As 2004 Nears, Bush Pins Slump on Clinton...At Miami fundraiser, President 
Bush says he "inherited" an economy already in recession. 

With the start of his reelection campaign in the past two weeks, President Bush has 
revived his pastime of blaming his predecessor, Bill Clinton, for the economic 

Most Americans oppose marriage between same-sex couples, but a majority of young 
adults think such unions should be recognized by the law, according to a USA 
TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll released Monday. 

Strom's funeral: Ex-staffers, politicians converging to pay respects...Vice president 
will fly in; dozens who worked for senator say nothing could keep them away (Columbia 
State) http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/news/politics/6208222.htm

Dr. Ruth Westheimer says everyone knows she's a Democrat, but that didn't stop the 
diminutive sex therapist from bringing a big dose of star power to President Bush's 
fund-raiser Monday. (AP) 

Grim fairy tale...JFK Jr., wife locked in bitter war over drugs and affairs, book says 


Pat's dropping it hardcore on this one: Why are we still here? 

Moving up the D.C. ladder...Washington's status ladder has undergone an alarming 
change. Where once members of Congress stood many rungs above lobbyists, today it is 
the lobbyist who stands many rungs above the House member. By Tim Noah.

Ingraham: It's time to take back the Constitution

Joe's Real Deal...Free The Dog! A bounty hunter brings a serial rapist to justice in 
Mexico. The Mexican government returns the favor by throwing the American hero in 
jail. Meanwhile, the FBI, who couldn't track down the rapist itself, stands by and 
does nothing while the American hero sits in a Mexican jail cell. It's Mexican 
hypocrisy at its worst. http://www.msnbc.com/news/933497.asp

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

Mallard http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

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