            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7, 11 & 2 am est and 4, 8 & 11 pm pst....

As you've no doubt heard by now Hardball comes to you live from Harvard's Kennedy 
School of Government with a full hour of Democratic presidential candidate John 
Kerry...One on One...Mano-a-mano, or is it Mano-e-mano?  I forget...The two will tango 
tonight over the nation's most pressing issues and we'll get his take on why he thinks 
he's the guy to beat President Bush...Throw in a huge dollop of audience questions and 
you never know what'll happen...Sounds exciting huh?  Don't worry you can watch that 
yawner Raiders-Chief game later... 

Will Kerry pass the "Matthews Primary"?  We'll see...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Boston Globe seven part Bio on Kerry: 

My buddy Mark Pfiefle took a shot at Graydon "G-Force" Carter in Friday's Post...

"I'm sure Mr. Carter never, ever carefully choreographs his ever-changing photo in his 
monthly diatribe (also known as his 'Editor's Letter') against those he finds 

-- Interior Department press secretary Mark Pfeifle, in a letter to Vanity Fair 
responding to editor Graydon Carter's dig the previous month, after Interior requested 
photos for a Vanity Fair feature be shot in a particular location. Pfeifle also added 
that Carter's Manhattan office seems to be "devoid of any green plants." 

A U.S. soldier and two civilians were killed after an American patrol was attacked in 
the flashpoint Iraqi town of Falluja Monday, the U.S. military and witnesses said. 

Reduction in U.S. Troops Eyed for '04...Gradual Exit Strategy Tied to Iraq's Stability 
(The Washington Post) 

Former first lady Barbara Bush and mother of President Bush described Democrats trying 
to unseat her son in the White House as a "sorry group" of politicians. (Reuters) 

Some Democrats are grumping about the fact that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is taking 
the spotlight at a big political dinner in the key state of Iowa next month, when the 
2004 Democratic contenders will be onstage. (NY Post) 

Two prominent Democratic presidential candidates, Gen. Wesley K. Clark and Senator 
Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, have decided to bypass Iowa's presidential 
caucuses, angering some party leaders there and signaling what could be a very 
different nomination battle next year. (NY Times) 

Decisions by Democratic presidential candidates Wesley Clark and Joseph Lieberman to 
forgo active campaigns in Iowa shakes up the race for Iowa's lead-off nominating event 
of the 2004 campaign. (Des Moines Register) 

About Face...Another videotape has emerged in the Wesley K. Clark collection of kind 
words for the Bush administration (Time Mag) 

Dean Sparks Debate on Party...Howard Dean's success raising money and mobilizing 
voters has provoked a growing debate among Democratic and Republican strategists over 
whether the former Vermont governor has the potential to become a "transformative" 
political figure. (The Washington Post) http://msnbc.com/news/982424.asp?0dm=N21EN

Democrats begin running a television ad Monday criticizing the Bush administration for 
leaking the identity of an undercover CIA officer whose husband criticized the 
president's Iraq policy. (AP) 

Campaign 2004: Time to Start the Tax-Position Tango (Howard Fineman) 

Democratic candidate Wesley Clark is making a new pitch for donations, inviting 
Internet donors to his presidential campaign to predict the World Series champion with 
their money pledge. (AP) 

An assemblage of politically active Arab Americans gave former Vermont governor Howard 
Dean repeated ovations Saturday at the windup of a two-day meeting that marked a clear 
shift of allegiance from President Bush to his Democratic rivals. (The Washington 
Post) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A46756-2003Oct18.html

Discord in Bush team distressing allies, Congress (Fort Worth Star Telegram) 

Bush's News War...Fed up with the gloom-and-doom coverage of the conflict, the White 
House is taking aim at the press (Newsweek) http://msnbc.com/news/982193.asp?0dm=N25JN

Alan Colmes has been called an on-air punching bag, a runt, wishy-washy, a milquetoast 
and -- this one must really hurt -- a conservative at heart. (AP) 

U.S. Troops Order Comfort, With Fries on the Side...Soldiers Looking for a Taste of 
Home Make for a Booming Business at Iraq's First Burger King (The Washington Post) 

California comic eyed for Senate...If Arnold Schwarzenegger can be elected governor of 
California, can comedian Dennis Miller unseat Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer? (The 
Washington Times) http://washingtontimes.com/national/20031019-115055-6362r.htm

President Bush on Monday personally condemned the Malaysian prime minister for his 
statement that Jews rule the world, pulling Mahathir Mohamad aside at an international 
economic meeting to tell him the remarks were "wrong and divisive," Bush's spokesman 
said. (AP) 


Terry reviews a recent Cher concert in DC: In the midst of a recent Cher concert at a 
packed arena in Washington, D.C., massive TV screens flashed a clip of the star 
declaring that if she wanted to take a certain pair of body parts from her chest and 
implant them in her back it would be nobody's business but her own. 

Katrina: Tear Down the Wall...Calling for lifting the Cuban embargo would be 
politically savvy as well as right. http://www.thenation.com/edcut/index.mhtml?bid=7

Barnicle: A boy's field of broken dreams 

Pat: Is it Bush vs. Dean? http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=35166

Newt: The Candidate vs. the General...Did Wesley Clark bother to read his own book? 

Geyer: Bush Sr.'s 'message' to Bush Jr. 

Political humor: Monday Morning Monologue: http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/monday.html

West: Anti-war elites http://washingtontimes.com/op-ed/20031016-085542-7510r.htm

More Pat: Is Bush Seeking a "Decent Interval"? 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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