            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC tonight at 7p, 11p & 4 am et...That's 4p, 8p & 1 am pt

Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean is interested in becoming President but before he 
does he has to wage the battle of the "Matthews Primary."  Tonight we'll bring you 
that battle live from Harvard...There's a lot riding on this appearance for Dean...I 
could go on and on about the latest news and this minor controversy which has bubbled 
up today concerning his gubernatorial records and his sealing of them but I'm not 
gonna do that...Instead I'll urge you to to break out the TV tray, pop your favorite 
popcorn and have dinner with Hardball tonight...We'll hit all the hot topics for 

Dean Link http://www.msnbc.com/news/998770.asp

Dean Assails Bush on Defense...The former Vermont governor launched a full-throated 
attack on the president's foreign policy acumen Sunday, saying Bush has "no 
understanding of defense." (The Washington Post) 

Isikoff: What's in Howard Dean's Secret Vermont Files? 

Jimmy Carter on Howard Dean: 

The Unlikely Rise of Howard Dean...The five-time governor of the Ben & Jerry's state 
is actually a product of Park Avenue, an outspoken critic of war against Iraq, and 
suddenly, a Democratic presidential force. (New York Magazine) 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Liberals finding their voice -- and it's angry Bush is target: 'We have been too nice' 
(USA Today) http://www.usatoday.com/usatonline/20031201/5720237s.htm

The U.S. military said 54 Iraqis were killed in the northern city of Samarra as U.S. 
forces used tanks and cannons to fight their way out of simultaneous ambushes while 
delivering new Iraqi currency to banks. But residents said Monday that the casualty 
figure was much lower and that the dead were mostly civilians. (AP) 

An ambush and shootout that killed dozens of Iraqis represented a new level of 
coordination in the anti-coalition insurgency, U.S. officials said Monday. (AP) 

Good one from Mortman last week: Giving thanks for stars' wisdom...How could we ever 
get along without celebrities' opinions? http://msnbc.com/news/998504.asp?0dm=C15QN

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said on Monday there was "a contradiction" in Iraq 
between the relative stability of most of the country and deadly attacks staged by 
insurgents in some places. (Reuters) 

Sen. Clinton: Iraq strategy flawed...Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, just returned from 
Iraq, said President Bush's surprise Thanksgiving Day visit to Baghdad doesn't make up 
for the flaws in his strategy for dealing with the U.S. occupation and returning the 
government to the Iraqi people. (AP) http://www.msnbc.com/news/999806.asp

"We need more MPs (military police), we need more intelligence, we need more civil 
affairs, we need a bigger presence (in Iraq)," the Democratic New York senator and 
former first lady told NBC's "Today" show. (Reuters) 

U.S. first lady Laura Bush said on Monday she was considering a trip to Afghanistan 
next year, after her husband's surprise Thanksgiving trip to Baghdad that she said 
left her "anxious" while he was gone. (Reuters) 

Howard: Iraq: The Right Stuffing...Stealing away in the dark, Bush makes a secret trip 
to Iraq, boosting troop morale and confounding cynics 

President Bush banked a fresh $1.75 million for his re-election campaign on Monday and 
celebrated signs of revival in the manufacturing sector, the hardest-hit segment of 
the job market. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20031201/D7V5P0LO1.html

Bush dropping steel tariffs...Decision could trigger backlash in steel-producing 
states (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.com/news/999705.asp?0dm=B23GN

Democrat John Kerry said Monday he will end the "era of John Ashcroft" if elected 
president, stepping up efforts to protect civil liberties while strengthening the war 
on terrorism. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20031201/D7V5MDOG0.html

Democratic presidential candidate Dick Gephardt, faulting President Bush for "gambling 
with our safety," on Monday called for spending $100 billion over five years on 
homeland security. http://apnews.myway.com/article/20031201/D7V5O8MG0.html


Jaroch's Monday Morning Monologue http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/monday.html

Katrina's Editor's Cut: What Economic Recovery?...Isn't it interesting how a few small 
percentage points here and there produce such euphoria? 

Terry: The GOP's Shotgun Wedding http://www.humaneventsonline.com/article.php?id=2481

Reese: The Republican National Committee has shown what President George W. Bush's 
re-election campaign will be about: fearmongering. Well, he's pretty good at 
warmongering, so why not play the fear card? 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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