            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball will air tonight as it does everyone weeknight at 7, 11 & 4 am et and 4, 8 & 
1 am pt exclusively on MSNBC

We'll lead with the Jacko story out of The NY Times this morning...There's an absence 
thus far of formal charges which may ultimately benefit Jackson...We'll talk to 
Weschester, NY County prosecutor Jeanine Pirro and fmr. Denver Dep. DA Craig Silverman 
to go over the prosecution's case and where it stands...Btw, Majestik the Magnificent 
is scheduled to appear on Scarborough Country...Who is Majestik?  Michael's "personal 
magician"...No kidding, the guy's got his own personal magician..It's a trip.. 

Remember Tuesday's hot A block on the Cincy beating case?  We'll do that one again 
(Not a repeat, but same guests) in D block...DeLacy Davis (Black Cops Against Police 
Brutality) and Sgt. Steven Rogers to go over the latest on that case...

We'll do the Rush Limbaugh story in B with Brent Bozell

Rush Limbaugh told listeners on his radio show Thursday that prosecutors in Palm Beach 
County have seized medical records from four of his doctors (AP) 

In the Buzz we'll talk to RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie about why he was in Vermont this 
week slamming Howard Dean and his challenge for Dean to unseal his gubernatorial 
records...Lot's of brouhaha brewing on that...

Shameless plug for our boss here: The Man Who Makes Matthews Sweat...MSNBC producer 
Griffin keeps combative "Hardball" host in line (The Harvard Crimson) 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from the mothership in lovely 
Secaucus, NJ

Absence of Formal Charges Against Michael Jackson May Point to a Weakening of the Case 
(The New York Times) http://www.nytimes.com/2003/12/04/national/04JACK.html

Republican Party Chairman Ed Gillespie on Tuesday went to Vermont - Howard Dean's home 
state - for the first time and criticized the Democratic presidential candidate for 
his stance on the war, comments about military pay and refusal to open his records. 
(AP) http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20031203/ap_on_el_pr/gop_dean_3 

Fineman: Dean Stumbles Over Sealed Records....Dithering over telling the full story 
only intensifies furor http://www.msnbc.com/news/1000747.asp?0cv=KB10

Poll: Dean opening big lead over competition in New Hampshire (AP) 

Dean Courts Democratic Party Insiders...Howard Dean, who has bashed the Washington 
establishment throughout his presidential campaign, is increasingly courting the 
capital's lawmakers, lobbyists and political operatives. (The Washington Post) 

Bush decides to lift steel tariffs...White House to announce other measures to protect 
U.S. producers (AP) http://msnbc.com/news/1000869.asp?0cv=CB10

Early Flood of Political Ads Saturates Airwaves in Iowa (The New York Times) 

Two top union presidents accused one of Rep. Richard Gephardt's senior campaign 
advisers Wednesday of threatening political retribution if the unions' Missouri 
members campaigned for Howard Dean, Gephardt's Democratic presidential rival. (St. 
Louis Post-Dispatch) 

Part of anti-terror law overturned...In a potential blow to the Bush administration's 
legal strategy in the war on terror, a federal appeals court overturned part of a 
sweeping law the government has increasingly used to arrest or prosecute suspected 

With the primary season less than two months away, black voters have yet to unite 
behind a single Democratic challenger to President Bush - something that hasn't 
happened in 20 years. (The Washington Times) 

Black religious leaders disgruntled with the Bush administration have teamed with 
People for the American Way to conduct a national voter-registration drive in states 
where the president won by slim margins in 2000. (The Washington Times) 

Japan to send 1,000 troops to Iraq...Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has approved a 
plan to start sending 1,000 troops for non-combat duty in Iraq by the end of December, 
a newspaper reported Thursday. 

WashPost: Body armor in short supply in Iraq...The U.S. military's new Interceptor 
body armor is dramatically reducing the torso injuries that have killed soldiers on 
battlefields in wars past. But as of now, there's not enough to go around. 

Clark, Kerry slam Bush's foreign policy Candidates say how they'd fix it (USA Today) 

A government watchdog group on Wednesday increased the political pressure on 
Democratic front-runner Howard Dean to unseal some of the records from his 11 years as 
Vermont governor. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20031204/D7V7JS0G0.html

The Bird Was Perfect But Not For Dinner...In Iraq Picture, Bush Is Holding the 
Centerpiece (The Washington Post) 

DeFrank: Bullish on reelection...White House savors economic tea leaves 

Eight months before Rep. William J. Janklow (R-S.D.) allegedly sped through a stop 
sign at a rural crossing and killed a passing motorcyclist, Janklow's white Cadillac 
evidently ran the stop sign at the same intersection at more than 70 mph and came 
within "a few feet" of hitting another driver, the jury in his felony manslaughter 
trial was told Wednesday. (The Washignton Post) 


Landfield: The Tale of the Embarrassing Brother...Whom They Forgot to Mention on Talk 
Radio http://www.practicalpolitics.net/landfield/12_4_03.html

Novak: Movie's assault on Reagan an indirect jab at Bush 

Saletan: Takes One To Know One...In the chutzpah war, Dean has Bush's draft number. 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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