            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball's 7th Anniversary Special Tonight Airs at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT

On day 3 of the Hardball 7th Anniversary we bring you an episode so special our 
executive producer suggested we should consider wearing black tie to work today...Most 
of us passed but we're excited nonetheless...Tonight is definitely a "Tivo This" or 
for us Neanderthals, "VCR This" nights as we're going to bring you some big 7th 
Anniversary surprises!

Members of our staff have been working on something for Chris so super secret that 
even your Briefing editor has been kept largely in the dark...Tonight we'll reveal it 
to the world in what promises to be a primetime television moment of historic 
proportions...If you've even enjoyed one scintilla of a moment in the last seven years 
of Hardball (and I know you have or else you wouldn't be reading this), you'll not 
want to miss tonight's show...

Should you plan your dinner around it, pop the popcorn & break out the TV trays? Yes

Should you call your neighbors, friends and family about it? Yes

Should you take the phone off the hook during the show? Yes

Should you backstab your grandma over it? Probably not, but don't let her stop you 
from watching...

You'll dig it we promise...

Elsewhere in the show....

We'll get the latest from Iraq (more intense fighting in Fallujah today) and then talk 
to Time magazine's Michael Weisskopf, who's recovering from the loss of an arm over in 
Iraq...A grenade was lobbed into his transport vehicle and it exploded as he was 
throwing it out...He saved lives in the process...Tonight we'll get his take on the 
continued violence in Iraq...

We'll also talk to Republican grand Pooh-Bah Ed Gillespie about the legacy of Vietnam 
in this campaign and why he thinks John Kerry is unfit to be the commander-in-chief of 
the war on terror...We'll wrap it up with political funny man Bill Maher tonight who 
is always a hoot!

Anniversary Backgrounders

MSNBC Release: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4807762/

Things you always wanted, but didn't need to know, about Hardball 

It's the seventh anniversary of MSNBC's "Hardball," but the show's 
leap-out-of-the-chair host, Chris Matthews, seems uncharacteristically subdued and 
reflective. (NY Post) http://nypost.com/entertainment/19672.htm

Lighthearted Mortman offering...Brought to you exclusively by the Briefing: April 
brings out our foolishness...From D.C. to Hollywood, bank on the wacky 

Exclusive interview with Donald Rumsfeld tomorrow folks!

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

New Fallujah fighting, but no all-out offensive...U.S. general tells NBC that 
'political track' will get more time (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4824213/

Fallujah Flier Puts Price On U.S. Military Officials...$15 Million Reward For Death Of 
Americans On Flier (Local 6 News, Orlando, FL) 

U.S. Forces Launch Aerial Assaults on Three Fronts...Fighter Jets Pound Fallujah in 
Response to Insurgent Attacks (The Washington Post) 

Democrat John Kerry raised questions on Tuesday about President Bush's military record 
as the war of words over what the two presidential candidates did during the Vietnam 
era escalated. (Reuters) 

..Kerry said Tuesday on MSNBC's Hardball that ''I have historically never begrudged 
the choices that people made'' during Vietnam. ''But if they're going to attack me . . 
. then I'm going to demand'' accountability from them. (USA Today) 

The campaign questioned Mr. Bush's initial entry into the National Guard - "How does 
he explain the fact that he jumped ahead of 150 applicants despite low pilot aptitude 
scores?" - as well as how he spent his time. "Why does the White House say Bush was on 
base when Bush's superiors had filed a report saying he was gone for a whole year?" 
the campaign asked. (The Washington Times) 

Curry: Why Vietnam remains a campaign issue...Kerry's foes try to erode the value of 
his big asset: combat service http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4845873/

More troops suffering severe head wounds...Injuries prove devastating for doctors, too 
(The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4839405/

Kerry unveiling technology proposals...Last day of Rust Belt tour aims to show job 
potential (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4852873/

Kerry: Bush intentionally exaggerated case...'The president has made some colossal 
mistakes' (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4846266/

A successful transition to sovereignty in Iraq might hinge in large part on "getting 
the United States brand name" off efforts to democratize the war-torn nation, a 
leading Senate Republican said Wednesday. (AP) 

Sen. Specter ekes out narrow win in Pa. primary...Conservative sought to end moderate 
Specter's career (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4847842/

Former Vice President Al Gore, pledging to help John Kerry fight "outrageous and 
misleading" Republican attacks, said Wednesday that he will donate more than $6 
million to various Democratic Party groups. (AP) 

Weeke: Vatican steps into U.S. political fray...Issue of Catholics' view on abortion 
touches on Kerry's candidacy http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4845873/

Democrats press for every vote...Grass-roots drives under way in 14 states (AP) 

Democrats have some new opportunities to pick up Senate seats this year, but the 
Republicans still are favored to make net gains in the South, where President Bush and 
his party draw their strongest support. (The Washington Times) 

President Bush's re-election campaign has welcomed more than 50 new volunteer 
fund-raisers who together brought in nearly $80 million of his record $187.5 million 
re-election war chest, according to the campaign finance group Public Citizen. (AP) 

McDermott omits 'God' from Pledge..Rep. Jim McDermott, Washington Democrat, yesterday 
did not say the words "under God" as he led the House in its daily recitation of the 
Pledge of Allegiance. (The Washington Times) 

Justices weigh rights during war...Hearings focus on two citizens held by military 

We all have leftover bread, but please don't throw it away. Dry bread (notice I do not 
say "stale") can be one of the most useful ingredients in the kitchen. (Post Food 
Section) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A45847-2004Apr27.html


Mondo Washington: John Kerry Must Go http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0417/mondo1.php

Bardach: Kerry's Cuban Problem...How the Democratic nominee is blowing Florida. 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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