            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC
Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV http://www.msnbc.com/CableOperator.asp

Chris begins Hardball tonight with two news making Senators on torture: Sen. Richard 
Durbin (D-Ill) sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee and Sen. Richard Shelby 
(R-Al) is former chairman of the committee.  Durbin has sponsored an amendment to the 
defense authorization bill that would reaffirm the commitment of the United States not 
to engage in torture.

Chris then gets into the latest from the 9/11 Commission and hearings with the panel 
leaders: Chairman Tom Kean (former Republican governor of New Jersey) and Vice 
Chairman Lee Hamilton (former Democratic congressman from Indiana).

Finally, Chris welcomes an extraordinary person: John Walsh, host of "America's Most 
Wanted", for the 20th Anniversary of the Center for Missing and Exploited Children.  
Here's what Nancy Reagan wrote today: "It hardly seems possible that it has been 
twenty years since my husband spoke at the opening ceremony of the NCMEC. I know he 
would be both impressed and gratified by how successful the Center has been."

Meantime, on its website, Dateline NBC is running this promo for its Friday 8 p.m. 
show: "Ron Reagan will speak for the first time since his father's funeral in an 
interview with NBC's Chris Matthews. Reagan will talk about what is was like growing 
up as the youngest son of one of America's most popular leaders surrounded by power, 
wealth and celebrity. In addition, he will share private family pictures and memories 
never before made public. Reagan will also talk about the last years of his father's 
life and how his mother is coping with her recent loss."  

And check out the news Chris Matthews and Hardball made in the home state paper of the 
Senate Minority Leader: http://www.argusleader.com/columnists/dkranz/06_16_04.shtml

Now, the Shuster corner.  He favors the Briefing with this preview: "Today, we plunge 
into the delicate campaign issue of god, religion, and presidential politics.  Those 
of you old enough to remember the 1960 election will recall the struggles John Kennedy 
had in convincing voters that he, as a Catholic, would not be beholden to the Vatican. 
 Today, John Kerry's problem to some voters is that the 2004 Democratic nominee is not 
Catholic enough.  He supports abortion rights and stem cell research, issues that 
trouble some Catholic religious leaders and cause religious voters around the country 
to cringe.  As for President Bush, his belief that God wants him "to engage the forces 
of evil" troubles another part of the electorate.   We will break it all down... and 
make deadline... Amen!!!"

[[Briefing note -- Did you catch that line: "Those of you old enough to remember the 
1960 election"??? C'mon, Shuster's 36 years old!  Who's he kidding?]]

Shuster bonus -- he also sends this: "More Purple Haze -- technology update or dating 
update? First it was a highly suggestive e-mail, then a free oil change, and now 
another wonderful byproduct of our purple state package...  a free phone!  Yes, an 
enterprising (and pretty) young lady from Nextel is giving me a test drive of a Nextel 
direct/connect phone during the political conventions.  If either convention is hit 
with a terrorist attack, or if there are any emergencies, traditional cell phone 
service likely won't work.  (The public switch telephone network will become jammed.)  
However, my potential hero advises that the Nextel direct/connect "walkie talkie" uses 
a proprietary network that doesn't rely on the public switch.   And I'm advised I'll 
still be able to talk with my Nextel using colleagues (do I have any?) immediately in 
the event of an emergency.  Hmmm.    "Hello MSNBC, John Kerry has selected his running 
mate and it is...  can you hear me now?"  Tomorrow, the Shuster secret behind the 
Mortman family's favorite lasagna... 

Dominic Bellone update: Even though it's the 100th anniversary of "Bloomsday" and even 
though James Joyce's unlikely hero Leopold Bloom moved through Dublin on June 16th, 
1904 and even though Joyce once boasted that if Dublin were ever destroyed it could be 
rebuilt from the pages of "Ulysses," I still can't reveal Dominic's whereabouts.  
Perhaps he's working on the sequel: "More Ulysses."

Now, here's what's cooking on the threat board:

Bush: We're in Iraq till 'freedom is secure': http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5224382/

Washington Post on torture policy and Sen. Dick Durbin's amendment: 

Washington Post: "An Indelible Day 
On 9/11, University President Thomas Kean Had No Idea How Much His Life Would Change 

"9/11 panel sees no link between Iraq, al-Qaida": http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5223932/

"Terrorist group threatens to kill U.S. hostage; Video gives Saudis three days to 
release al-Qaida militants

"McCain: Saudis paying for dealing with terrorists": 

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children:  http://www.ncmec.org/

"Kerry raises $100 million in three months": http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5224724/

Fineman: "Best advice for Kerry: Be invisible; Bush may self-destruct by the time 
November election occurs"

>From yours truly, your humble narrator and Briefing caretaker:  "American optimism 
>still abounds on Iraq"

Finally, I was struck by this item over on the Access Hollywood website: "Isn't It 
'Ironic?' Alanis Engaged."  http://www.accesshollywood.com/news/3424676/detail.html

Now I'm a huge fan of the institution of marriage, so I congratulate the Lost 
Continent of Alanis.  But I never did understand Ms. Morissette's definition of irony. 
She really lowered the bar on irony.  The things she described in her song just 
happened -- they weren't ironic at all.  Maybe one day she'll update the song with 
more puzzling examples of what she considers ironic,  things like: diving into the 
shallow end of a pool, applying sunscreen before going to bed, watching the Daytona 
500 then paying all her parking tickets, getting hit in the head with a Frisbee, 
waking up one morning and getting herself a beer, wondering what if God were one of 
us.  Isn't it Ironic?  No, it isn't.

I'm Howard Mortman and I approve this Briefing.

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