            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV http://www.msnbc.com/CableOperator.asp  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

We're swamped today with DNC convention planning and Marta Stewart news so we're short 
and sweet...Andrea Mitchell guests host for Martha Stewart sentencing reax...We'll 
talk to Harvey Pitt, former Securities & Exchange Commission Chairman under George W. 
Bush...Ken Lay's attorney Michael Ramsey, Vanity Fair media critic Michael Wolff and 
BusinessWeek's Mike France round the out back half...Shuster's got a package on the 
tick tock of the case...

Stewart receives 5-month prison term...Celebrity homemaker also receives 5 months of 
home detention (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5444565

MSO stock soars after Stewart learns fate...Shares surge 30 percent following 
sentencing (Reuters) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5451844/ 

Gratuitous for one of my peeps...I've got to give up some serious props to Briefing 
friend/booster Robert Cox on the one year anniversary of his amazing blog...Its for 
folks who are news/media/political junkie types http://thenationaldebate.com

It all started when he had to bust out Maureen Dowd  

Have a great weekend...Chris is back on Monday

The Briefing was written, compiled and edited by Dominic Bellone in Washington, DC

Kmart stands by Stewart's company...Retailer says MSO 'is a valued brand partner' (AP) 

A second poll in two weeks indicating that Arizona voters prefer President Bush by 10 
to 12 points over John Kerry set Republicans clamoring Thursday that the state isn't 
as much of a toss-up as has been portrayed. (The Arizona Republic) 

John Kerry asked Hillary Rodham Clinton on Thursday to address the Democratic National 
Convention on its opening night and to introduce her husband, former President 
Clinton, ending an intense lobbying campaign by the New York senator's backers angered 
by her nonspeaking role. (AP) 

In Florida, president decries human trafficking...In another appeal to his 
conservative base of support, President Bush is declaring that human trafficking is a 
global crime problem that must be met in the United States with swift justice for 
those who profit from it. (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5451320/

Philippine troops begin pullout...The Philippines defied the United States and began 
to pull its troops out of Iraq on Friday, bowing to the demands of militants holding 
one of its citizens and risking souring relations with its key ally and trading 

WP: U.S. works to rally Iraq coalition...The Bush administration faces growing 
challenges in holding together the 32-nation coalition deployed in Iraq, with four 
countries already gone, another four due to leave by September and others now making 
known their intention to wind down or depart before the political transition is 
complete next year, according to officials from 28 participating countries. 

John Kerry didn't wait to see if his presidential ambitions were realized before 
sending an emissary of sorts - his brother - to Israel. Fealty to Israel's security is 
so deeply embedded in both parties that symbolic touches may be the most that sets 
them apart. (AP) 

The Associated Press asked a federal judge Friday to order the Pentagon to quickly 
turn over a full copy of President Bush's military service record. (AP) 

John Edwards on love, Wendy's, privacy...Plus: John and Elizabeth Edwards talk about 
their Wendy's wedding anniversary ritual in the final part of a "Today" interview.


They Report, They Decide...An anti-Fox News documentary shows a little bias of its 
own. (Wall Street Journal) http://www.opinionjournal.com/taste/?id=110005362

Ilana: Thomas Jefferson vs. the Libertarian Party 

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