            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV http://www.msnbc.com/CableOperator.asp  MSNBC also is on your XM satellite radio on 
channel 130

Folks you know I don't often make the "pop the popcorn, break out the TV tray" call 
but tonight is one such night...Elvis is back on the campaign trail and we're on the 
case...Bill Clinton headlines a rally at Love Park in Philly and we're sending the 
city's native son Chris there to bring you the sights, the sounds and yes, the smells 
of it all...


And what trip to Philly would be complete without a chat with Eddie Rendell, the 
Governor and fmr. mayor of Philly?  We'll lead with hizzoner..
Chris also talks with Philly Congressman Chaka Fattah and Dem mayor of Scranton Chris 
Doherty about the importance of Clinton and PA to this election...Representin' the GOP 
we got PA Senator Rick Santorum and Chris' bro Jim Matthews, chairman of the 
Montgomery County board of commissioners, which is a Philly suburb containing the main 
line and Conshohocken (got to give a shoutout to my peeps in da Conshy)...My wife, who 
is from the area and of course knows everything, tells me that Montgomery is one of 
four key Philly suburbs which will decide the state...So you must pay heed to Jim's 
words...Btw, he's a little more chilled than Chris...He doesn't do the "Hah!" thing 
like Chris...

Shuster will bring you the latest from the campaign ad wars...He's got some doozys..

We'll do some serious political slicin' and dicin' with fmr. star Philly correspondent 
(she got her start in TV there) Andrea Mitchell and Pittsburgh native Howard Fineman...

And oh yeah, we'll finish up with Saturday Night Live's Hardball spoof they opened the 
show with last week...Must see TV tonight folks...

I'm also getting word from our peeps at DNT (Deborah Norville Tonight) that they're 
looking at a Coulter/Ed Shultz match up at 9 pm ET tonight...That ought to be hot as 
well...Btw, did you see Lawrence on Scarborough Friday night?  He was on fire with 
swift boat vet chief John O'Neill!!  Check out the video...It's floating around the 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from deep inside the beltway...

More Bubba Backgrounder

Clinton Says Stumping for Kerry Not a Risk (AP) 

Clinton stumps in Miami tonight for Kerry 

Dems Eagerly Await Clinton http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6308166/

Poll wrapup http://www.realclearpolitics.com/polls.html

Bush: I'm Best Candidate to Protect U.S. (AP) 

Kerry rips Bush for 'incredible incompetence'...Dem cites disappearance of explosives 
in Iraq http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6326367/

Rehnquist hospitalized, treated for thyroid cancer...Chief justice, 80, undergoes 
tracheotomy to ease his breathing (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6328363/

U.N. agency says large cache of explosives missing from Iraq...Tons of 'dual-use' 
explosives have disappeared (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6323933/

Cheney: 'On the big issues, I think we got it right'...Exclusive interview: Vice 
president on Iraq, terrorism, fear (Today show) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6326152/

President Bush says he's campaigning for re-election "as if we are going to win," 
remaining confident despite polls showing a tight race with Democrat John Kerry (AP) 

Democrat Al Gore, pleading his case at the epicenter of the 2000 recount, on Monday 
urged Florida voters to cast their ballots early to avoid a repeat of the disputed 
election. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20041025/D85UIUDO0.html

Howard: A game of inches in Ohio...It's a game of inches in Ohio, as both sides hunt 
new voters and rev up the air wars. Will we get a winner on Election Day? Howard 
Fineman reports. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6315623/site/newsweek/

Prewar intelligence predicted Iraqi insurgency (USA Today) 

>From the Feith File: A Pentagon official accused by a leading Senate Democrat of 
>deceiving Congress about intelligence on Iraq's pre-war links to the al-Qaida 
>terrorist network says the dispute is based on a misunderstanding that could have 
>been avoided if he had been asked to explain (AP) 

U.N. ambassadors from several nations are disputing assertions by Democratic 
presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry that he met for hours with all members of the 
U.N. Security Council just a week before voting in October 2002 to authorize the use 
of force in Iraq. (The Washington Times) 

Whistle-blower targets Halliburton's KBR...Army agrees to Pentagon probe of contracts 
in Iraq, Balkans (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6323593/

George Bush has exploited the suffering of September 11 and turned back decades of 
efforts to make the world a safer place, the former president Jimmy Carter says in an 
interview with the Guardian published today. (London Guardian) 

Former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani will join President Bush on the campaign 
trail today, then stump on his own for the president for the rest of the week, 
focusing on the war on terror in the final days of the campaign. (The Washington 
Times) http://www.washtimes.com/national/20041025-011429-2585r.htm

Interviews with dozens of former and current Iraqi officials by congressional 
investigators have produced new evidence that Saddam Hussein micromanaged business 
deals under the United Nations' oil-for-food program to maximize political influence 
with important foreign governments. (AP) 

Two small private aircraft violated restricted air space Saturday over two of 
President Bush's campaign rallies in central Florida, authorities said. (AP) 


Shocker: The New Yorker endorses Kerry 

The Hitchens case for Bush http://www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?i=20041108&s=hitchens

Pat: To punish Bush is to punish America 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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